Nearly Spring

Where I live in the northern most part of the country, we’ve entered the season of mid-winter. Spring doesn’t come here until May. Even though there are flowers waiting to pop through the soil — if they tried — they might have a few feet of snow packed on top of them.

In other parts of the country, spring has sprung. Trees are leafing out. Flowers are blooming. Grass needs cutting. What a glorious world we live in where one can find beauty in every season.

Two LWML devotions caught my eye in this “mid-winter” season. Both focus on the beauty of God’s green earth but from different perspectives.

New Growth – Again helps us to see how God gives us “another chance for our love to ever bloom and grow in Christ.”

Green Pastures reminds us that we are “handpicked by God to be His child.”

Enjoy these devotions and remember how the beauty of God’s Word draws us closer to Him as He calls us to live lives of faith and service every day.

Deaconess Betty Knapp