
2023–2025 Mission Grant #25

Bringing God's Word to India

India Bible Translation Project — $100,000


Watch the video about this mission grant!

About This Mission Grant

Thirty-two million Christians living in India do not have access to a study Bible in their own language that has abundant, doctrinally sound study notes, and commentary to help in understanding God’s Word. The India Bible Translation Project’s mission is to publish the study notes and commentary from The Lutheran Study Bible into the Tamil and Telugu language. 

This grant will provide funds to complete the translation work. With The Lutheran Study Bible translated in their heart language, indigenous Indian pastors, seminarians, and members of Lutheran churches in India and Sri Lanka will be better able to understand and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Indian Lutheran Study Bible will be a great blessing to the members of the India Evangelical Lutheran Church and Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sri Lanka.


men and women standing and seated, posed for large group photo inside

"The Lutheran Study Bible" translation project began at this meeting in South India in 2018. These are the translators who started working on the Tamil language translation.

More Mission Grant Photos

long rows of seated men inside building

January 2019 Telugu Pastors Symposium in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.

6 men standing for picture

In the newly renovated classroom at the Bible Faith Lutheran Church in Guntur (L to R): Rev. Dr. Charles Ferry, OIM Regional Director for Asia; Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw, Director of Church Relations and Assistant to President Matthew Harrison; Bishop G. Shalem Raju of the Bible Faith Lutheran Church; Rev. Dr. Charles Cortright, LCMS Theological Education; Pastor Michael Albrecht, Lead Pastor Emeritus, St. James Lutheran Church West Saint Paul, MN; and Dr. Paul Dasari, M.D., Director of the BFLC.

women dressed in colorful clothing walk around the outside of the building

Traditional procession to celebrate the dedication of a new Lutheran church building in South India includes marching around the building and singing hymns before going inside the church for the first time.

pastor speaking to women and children inside the church

Since evergreen trees are not readily available in India, colorful decorations are traditionally hung from the ceiling at Christmas time. Here a Bible Faith Lutheran Church congregation enjoys some social time after the divine service.


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