A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.
The LWML offers a variety of resources to assist local groups and to enable individual women to grow in their Christian walk, including:
- Mite Boxes and mission grant informational materials;
- LWML New Group Welcome Packet — document for use by groups wishing to become formally affiliated with the LWML (available as a free download from the LWML website www.lwml.org);
- Free downloadable resources, including Just a Cup of Coffee; LWML 101—The Basics; LWML 102—What to Do? What to Do!; LWML 103—The Heart of LWML; and LWML 104—Your LWML Designed 4 U which are PowerPoint presentations with scripts to encourage more LCMS women to participate in the mission and ministry of the LWML;
- Officer and committee handbooks;
- Individual membership guidelines;
- Local Group Membership Certificates (a free download available to district presidents from the login area of the website);
- Ideas for program planning;
- Leader training material;
- Bible studies;
- Devotions;
- Short dramas and sketches;
- Mission service/human care suggestions;
- Personal development aids;
- Audio and video resources;
- Ethnic resources;
- Inspirational books;
- Mission motivation resources;
- Greeting cards;
- LWML logo apparel;
- Jewelry; and
- Other resources as they become available.
Many LWML resources are available online as free downloads at www.lwml.org. Contact the LWML Office if you have questions.
View a printable PDF of this article, Resources for Members and Local Groups.