Bible Study/Retreat Package on Witnessing, 6 sessions. 34 pages. By Diane Grebing.

What use do you make of the photographs you’ve taken or received? Have you used them as a way to witness Jesus’ saving love and God’s power and provision in our lives? Photographs can provide a gateway to share the Gospel. The images you’ve captured through the lens of your camera can tell God’s story in a unique, creative, and compelling way.
The six sessions of this study are designed to open your eyes to new ways in which you can be a winsome witness of Jesus using your own personal photographs and experiences. You’ll see how the photographed images of a child’s smiling face, sunlight filtering through clouds after a storm, snow-capped mountain peaks, a rugged hiking path, friends celebrating a birthday, community workers serving others after a natural disaster, a young hand embracing another hand worn with age, family portraits, a peaceful fishing pond, and the other images captured in the past can help you tell God’s story of salvation with meaning and conviction.
Since the object of this study is to create a Witness Album, it lends itself to utilizing several different mediums. You may choose to make a traditional scrapbook or small photo album, but if you have access to the internet, Canva, Shutterfly, or Snapfish could be options.
Since there is a very convenient type of media in the palm of your hand, your cell phone, you may opt to create a gallery of photos. What is unique about this study is that naturally leads to intergenerational connections by utilizing the technological skills of the younger women.
The Leader Edition includes the Bible study, possible service projects, suggested schedules and ideas for a one-day or two-day retreat, list of materials needed, suggested songs and hymns, and leader helps and answers.
Lesson 1: Exposing The Light
Lesson 2: Opening our Lenses
Lesson 3: Setting Our Focus
Lesson 4: Composing Our Witness
Lesson 5: Processing Our Images
Lesson 6: Exhibiting Our Albums
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Every Picture Can Tell God's Story — Study Guide
Every Picture Can Tell God's Story — Leader Guide
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