In The Word
The summer season is closing, school sessions are beginning, gardens have ripened and clearing for the next year’s garden has begun.
During the Fall-Winter season, many are ready to dig deeper into their Bibles. I’m always amazed when people say, “I’m looking for a new Bible study, but where can we find one”?
Take a look at what is available under the WORD tab to learn more.

Donna Pyle’s new DVD Bible study, Where Love Abides, an in-depth look at what it means to abide in Jesus, the True Vine, to bear lasting fruit. Also, check out the other DVD studies authored by Donna Pyle. Dig deep into her studies with a group or as an individual.
Many more studies are available as free downloads and each is always doctrinally reviewed and based on God’s Word. Look for these studies also under the WORD tab.

Jesus answered, “It is written: man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).
Enjoy being in His Word! Blessings as you study!