As a retiree, I have the time and the desire to mentor students at the local elementary school. As I was becoming acquainted with a new student, I asked her several general questions. My last question was “Tell me one thing that makes you special?” This fourth grader was mystified. She could not think of anything that made her special.
What does make us special and unique? Is it looks, wealth, talent, or intelligence that makes us stand out and be noticed? Psalm 139:14 tells us I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Job 33:4 assures us The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. We are not special because of our appearance, social status, or money. We are special because God made us. We are His and that makes us lovingly unique.
The LWML Bible Study “Discovering Yourself” may increase your appreciation and understanding of your uniqueness as a beloved child of God. The link to that Bible Study is www.lwml.org/program-helps-bible-studies.
Jeanne Schimmelmann
LWML Ohio District President