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Bible Margins and Book Marks

Bible Margins and Book Marks

nullBible journaling appears to be quite popular these days — but it is really an ancient practice called “marginalia” — which is putting words, markings, or drawings in the blank areas around the text of a book. Perhaps you are in the habit of writing in the margins of your Bible. If you have purchased a Journaling Bible and want to add some art to the pages, all our coloring resources are Scripture based, so you can add color while reflecting on God’s Word and place it next to that section.

If journaling is not for you, the narrow format works well as a bookmark. Click here for FREE coloring resources.  Include one with a book as a holiday gift or give a printed page and some colored pencils to a student as encouragement to be in the Word!


More Than …

More Than …


For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed … but with the precious blood of Christ (I Peter 1:18–19 NIV).

Preparing for the LWML 75th Anniversary Diamond Dazzle, the words of a familiar Christian song come to mind: Lord, You are more precious than silver. Lord, You are more costly than gold. Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds … We might add more words that would not fully describe our Savior: treasured, priceless, cherished, and one of a kind. Jesus Christ's precious gift of salvation is more than anything else in this world, or in all eternity.

These same words might also be used to express how our heavenly Father sees us through the life of His Son, Jesus. The ultimate price was paid, out of devotion for the Father and for God's children, provides assurance of life eternal through faith in Christ. His life exchanged for ours, that we might live as forgiven, redeemed sons and daughters of the King.

Looking for information on the LWML 75th Anniversary Thank Offering? Go to


What's Your Age?

What's Your Age?


What’s your age?  Perhaps this question is one most of us would rather not answer. However, it’s said that eventually all of us will reach a time in our life when we stop trying to cover up our age, and start bragging about it.

Guess what, the LWML soon turns 75 years young. We don’t need to think about wanting to turn back the clock. We can just start bragging about all the blessings God has provided through its 75 year existence.   


Let’s brag about all the blessings of fellowship with members with whom we’ve shared Bible studies and devotions. Women who kept the dream alive of being dedicated to the mission arm of our Lutheran Church─Missouri Synod by small boxes filled with coins and help support mission work locally and around the world.  We can brag how God has mightily blessed that Mite Box and the foundation of the LWML.  Let’s keep bragging!

Happy 75th Birthday LWML.


It’s a Wrap!!

It’s a Wrap!!

All 40 LWML district conventions are complete as of last weekend! From LWML Pacific Southwest to LWML New England, from LWML Washington-Alaska to LWML Florida-Georgia and 36 districts in between!

I hope those of you reading this were able to attend your convention. Our conventions are the governing bodies of our organization so the usual business sessions must be accomplished, but after that, it’s all mission inspiration, mission speakers, mission service, and lots of fun!

I was able to attend 10 of these conventions this year, starting in April and ending in September. In fact, my son, David, who is also my elder at church told me my name came across the elders’ list of non-attendance!

nullWearing pearls in support of Women of the Pearl, an LWML Mission Grant, at the LWML Michigan District Convention. Read more about this grant here.

Every convention had mission speakers who engaged with the women attending either thanking them, inspiring them, or informing them, from comfort dog ministries to mission work in Kenya. Every convention had Bible study leaders to encourage women in their faith walk, from how the Word compels us to how the Word forgives and comforts us. Gifts from the Heart were collected to benefit hundreds of agencies and ministries with in-kind donations from domestic abuse shelters to cancer care kits. Pledge walks, pledge dancing and pledge prayers were held for mite offerings. Mission grants for district missions as well as national and international missions were pledged. The total amount of district grants pledged comes to almost $3 million!

However, once again, it is the renewing of old friendships and acquaintances, meeting new and different people, sharing happy and sometimes sad life events that makes a convention really great! Sharing the comfort, assurance, and joy that our redemption through our risen Christ gives us is what binds us together as sisters. It makes us Lutheran Women in Mission — together!

Congratulations to all 40 districts!

Serving with You!


9/26/2016 Weekly article

Give a Little, Give a Lot


Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration.

Celebrated on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and following the shopping events of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday on November 29 kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.

Why talk about Giving Tuesday when we are just closing out the month of September? This is the perfect time to raise awareness of LWML and our mission grant support. Let’s build on the success of last year’s campaign on Facebook and Twitter and encourage new people to learn about LWML and make an online donation.

Even if you prefer to support LWML through regular mite offerings, you can still participate in this Day of Giving with your prayer support and by sharing posts and emails with friends that day.

What you can do:

  1. Publicize the event ahead of time, especially to teens and young women who use social media.
  2. Start the excitement for learning more about LWML and our mission grants during LWML Sunday at your church.
  3. Share posts on Tuesday, November 29.
  4. Encourage friends, who may not know as much about LWML, to support our outreach and mission grants with their donation.

Visit our webpage to learn more about Giving Tuesday.


One Body in Christ

One Body in Christ

For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body — whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free — and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. 1 Corinthians 12:13-14 (NIV)

nullIt’s amazing to witness how God continues to bless and prosper the LWML. Through the work of many faithful brothers and sisters in Christ the love and gospel of our Savior continues to reach people around the world in wonderful ways according to His plan. The LWML understands God’s calling to grow and strengthen the body of Christ by embracing and being inclusive of all people. The Heart to Heart Sisters Program is a great initiative to cultivate that inclusive spirit in the LWML so that each and every one of us are able to share with others the unique gifts that God has given us. We pray that every person who attends the Convention in Albuquerque, June 22–25, 2017 experiences the life and work of the LWML, encouraged by the Holy Spirit, and equipped to participate as one body in Christ. 


YOUR feedback is so important!

YOUR feedback is so important!

If you are reading this you have a love for Christ, want to study His Word, and reach out to others with Jesus’ message of salvation. You are mission minded! As a vice president of the LWML I am privileged to serve with women and men who are passionate about Christ and His mission. The members of the Leader Development and HOPE Committees are constantly evaluating the resources available for you so that you can be better equipped to share Jesus with the world. Your comments and suggestions about our website, social media posts, and resources help us to help you!

Have you used a resource that inspired you? Have you looked for help in an area where there doesn’t seem to be a resource? Do you reach out in your community in a unique way you’d like to share with us? As you browse our website do any questions come to mind? We enjoy and value your feedback! Contact me with any questions or comments at and together we will serve and share Jesus!



LWML Resources