Help Young Adults Serve Through LCMS Young Adult Corps
As with many generations, young adults today are not always sure of their future vocation. The LWML grant LCMS Young Adult Corps provides scholarship funds to serve in areas in which their talents and services are needed (poverty/inner city areas, and areas of disadvantage and/or long-term recovery). Sometimes these young men and women need to experience the joys of helping people in places where they have never visited. You can read more about this grant here.
This grant has yet to be funded and our fiscal year ends in just about six weeks on March 31. We are in the last stretch of our biennium with much of the hill to climb. Let’s continue in prayer and encourage our young adults through the LCMS Young Adult Corps. Paul speaks of mutual encouragement in Romans 1:12, that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine. Let’s pray for the people involved with this ministry and that God will continue to bless our mite offerings.
You can donate now at by credit or debit card.
Shelley Moeller
Vice President of Gospel Outreach
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Posted on
February 13, 2017 9:02 AM
System Administrator
Bringing the Gospel to the Lost Sheep of Israel
As we enter the final two months to receive offerings towards our Mission Goal, we find several grants that remain unfunded. We pray that the Lord of the harvest would move mission-minded servants to come forward with contributions by March 31, 2017 so that all grants chosen by district delegates at the 2015 Des Moines Convention will be completely funded.
There is one particular one on my mind. “Bringing the Gospel to the Lost Sheep of Israel – Apple of His Eye (AOHE) Mission Society.” AOHE is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). This is their mission statement: The Apple of His Eye Mission Society exists to boldly declare Y’shua as the Messiah and urgently equip God’s people to do the same. We are passionate about telling Jewish people and gentiles that Jesus is the promised Messiah. May the Lord, by His Spirit, move them into a life of faith.
This grant is an exciting opportunity. It will provide funds to establish the first mission outreach and church planting ministry for the LCMS in Israel. The strategy includes the training of Messianic Jews living in Israel to become leaders and pastors along with the establishment of Lutheran churches. The first ministry for the LCMS in Israel! LWML has led the way in financing mission “firsts” throughout its 75 year history. Here is another opportunity to bring the word that Christ is the promised Messiah of Israel. The apostle Paul writes to his listeners in Romans 10:1 NIV, Brothers and sisters, my heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved.
Pray for this ministry. Read about it at Send your offering for it before March 31, 2017 to your district treasurer or financial secretary so that it can be sent by March 31 for this grant and the others that remain to be funded completely.
Serving with you!
Patti Ross
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Posted on
February 06, 2017 9:25 AM
System Administrator
2017 A New Year: Time to Take Stock
Now that we’ve survived the first month of 2017, I like many of you, are likely taking stock of what seemed like some really good personal new year’s resolutions. Perhaps you’ve already given up on one or two of them. Don’t do that, especially if spending time with God in daily devotions and growing in His Word is one of those resolutions.
It’s not too late to take stock of what’s available at your fingertips on the LWML website, and on the store shelf, to energize and inspire you for your spiritual growth. There are many excellent Bible studies, devotions, tracts, and periodicals for your society and zone as well. Check out the website:
It’s a new year and certainly a good time for you to take stock and engage with God on a more personal level. Spend time with Him. You are precious to God.
Marilyn Schroeder
Treasurer, 2015-2019
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Posted on
January 30, 2017 8:34 AM
System Administrator
2017 To Do List
In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly (Psalm 5:3 NIV).
Years ago I learned I do much better with a “To Do List” rather than a resolution list for each New Year.
Here’s a sneak peek at a few of my “to do” items for early in 2017. Are these on your list?
- January 2: LWML Convention Hotel Reservations opened. Check out the information at Talk to friends and reserve a hotel room now!
- February 1: Early Convention Registration opens. Register for convention and select a Friday Noon Info. Gathering and Saturday Special Interest Luncheon session. Pray for everyone attending convention during this special 75th anniversary year!
- March 14: Regular Convention Registration opens. Check with women in my congregation to see if they registered and are making plans to go to convention and the Saturday night “Diamond Dazzle” event for the 75th anniversary.
- March 15: Gather final Mite Box offerings to send in for the 2015–2017 Mission Goal. (March 31, 2017 is the deadline.) We still need to fund, “Bringing the Gospel to the Lost Sheep of Israel” to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Use the online link at to help.
Carol von Soosten
Public Relations Director
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Posted on
January 23, 2017 9:10 AM
Building the Future Today
The Latino confirmation class of Hope Lutheran Church, Woodburn, Oregon was introduced to the work of the LWML by Oregon District President Carmen Nagel. DP Carmen shared the mission and ministry, and the history of the Mite Box with the youth, along with members of the Hope Ladies Aid LWML Society. These young ladies will be mentored as LWML YOUth in Mission. They will be included in the planning for the District Retreat, and the 2018 District Convention. It is not too early, and never too late, to include the youth of your congregation in your society’s activity. Our youth are our future. They have a lot to offer, to teach, and to learn.
To hold true to our 2015–2017 Primary Focus, let us always be mindful to include our youth, young women, and multicultural sisters in our LWML group activities. Follow the hyperlinks for more information. If you have something new to share, please contact us at
Kaye Dumas Wolff
Vice President of Special Focus Ministries
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Posted on
January 16, 2017 8:44 AM
A New Year – An Everlasting Promise
Jesus said, Do not be anxious… But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:31a, 33). As Christians we know we should trust God in everything, but as sinners we do worry.
God sent His Son Jesus and sacrificed His life for the purpose of saving us from our sins. Jesus rose from the dead defeating sin, death, and the power of the devil for us. By faith we know this to be true, and yet we worry, or doubt, and even ignore this great story of salvation in our daily journey through this life.
Today and every day, by God’s grace, let’s follow His direction, seeking first His kingdom, and trusting in His promises. In this gift of faith, we will find peace and true joy!
Each day we are given opportunities to seek His kingdom and share Jesus with others. How may we do this? One way is to sign up for free Mustard Seed Daily email devotions at Check out all LWML devotional resources at
Seeking God and trusting His promises,
Debbie Larson
Vice President of Organizational Resources
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Posted on
January 09, 2017 8:39 AM
Have You Been Counting the Days?
Have you been counting these days? We are actually in the twelve days of Christmas now. Epiphany is at the end of the twelve days. Our family tradition was to add the baby Jesus to the nativity scene on Christmas Eve and then wait twelve more days to add the Magi. This helped remind us that Christ is given to the Gentiles also.
Keeping Christ in Christmas is getting difficult these days. However, keeping our focus on the facts of our Savior’s birth, death, and resurrection is most important. Jesus is not only THE reason for the season, he has A reason for coming.
Have you had the opportunity to share with someone the reason Jesus came to all of us? Begin by simply sharing a cup of coffee or tea with them. Reflect Jesus’ love through unassuming acts of kindness. This may open the door to conversations where you can share God’s saving grace. For more tips, go to
Shelley Moeller
Vice President of Gospel Outreach
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Posted on
January 02, 2017 9:42 AM