The family of Christ. The phrase brings to mind relationships, love, care, respect, encouragement, and support. We are God’s unique and special children, sisters and brothers in Christ! Our Father in heaven lovingly and tenderly nurtures our faith in Jesus and empowers us by the Holy Spirit to use our talents and abilities to His glory and in joyful service to Him.
Identify a special woman in whose life you can make a meaningful difference. The time is now to share your faith with her, encourage her, and show her that she is a valued child of God. Involve her in activities where she can meet other Lutheran Women in Mission in the family of Christ. Invite her to study the Bible with you and pray with you. Imagine and implement creative ways to mentor your sister in Christ, so she can use her unique talents and abilities to God’s glory.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Colossians 3:17).
Shari Miller
LWML Montana District President