Fall Resources
From Reformation to Thanksgiving, along with celebrating LWML Sunday and Pastor Appreciation … here are devotional resources and service ideas for you and your LWML group.

God’s Plan for One Ordinary Woman — Discipleship, Mites, Missions
Harvest Time – Ready! Set! Go! — Witnessing
Our Father’s Care — God’s Care, Praise and Thanksgiving
Pray for a Bountiful Harvest — Prayer, Harvest
Reaping a Bountiful Harvest — Thanksgiving
Recover Your Life: Sing to the Lord a New Song — Christian Living, Relationship with God, Christ the King Sunday
Serve the Lord with Gladness — Joyful, Service
Showing our Pastors and Church Workers Love and Respect — Relationship with Others
The Lesson of the Candy Corn — Witnessing, Service
You Look Like Your Father — Serving the Lord, Lutheran Women in Mission
Litanies/Responsive Readings/Short Programs
A Mighty Fortress is our God — Reformation
Bible Studies
Always Thankful with Leader Guide — Christian Living
Bountiful Abundance — God's Bounty, Provision
From Fear to Faith + The Reformation Story (study guide with leader guide) — Reformation Story
Sketches and Dramas
A Chat with Katharine von Bora — Reformation Remembrance
Return To Give Thanks — Attitude
Dramatic Interpretation of Katie Luther by Jan Struck (video of the humorous interruptions at the 2017 LWML Convention)
A Chancy Thing: The Marriage of Katharina and Martin Luther
A Day in the Life of Katie Luther
LWML Sunday
LWML Sunday downloadables — bulletin covers, bulletin content, sermon, children's message, banner pattern, coloring pages, PowerPoint template, and more
Crafts and Printables
Cards of Encouragement for Church Workers — 8 different designs, blank inside for your custom message. Suggested text for encouraging your church workers is listed separately. Great for pastors, deaconesses, directors of Christian education, teachers, and other church workers!
Thanksgiving Notecards & Bookmarks to color
Mission Service Activities
Supporting First Responders (October is fire safety month)
An Attitude of Gratitude! (November)
Pastor Appreciation Month (October)
Honor Our Military Families (November)
Make Christmas Cards for Refugees (November)
Breast Cancer Survival Kit (October)
Simple monthly mission service ideas throughout the year — printable calendar
Gifts From the Heart
Gifts from the Heart Toolkits — LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. These kit lists are simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.
Pastor Support and Involvement Ideas
Don't forget to keep up to date with the monthly featured Program Helps, monthly Mission Service Activity, and monthly Mission Grant Resources!