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Update on LCMS Global Seminary Initiative

2015–2017 Mission Grant: LCMS Global Seminary Initiative — International Student Scholarships, $100,000 fully paid


WOW! What an awesome God we have! The Global Seminary Initiative (GSI) was provided a $100,000 grant from the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) which was matched by a separate challenge grant making the total $200,000 for scholarships. With the help of the Holy Spirit that could mean twice as many pastors!

The Global Seminary Initiative was started in 2013 by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod at convention and has only begun to return graduates to their native countries. The end result of these scholarships can take many years to develop but already students are anxious to finish schooling and return home to share the Gospel. One student from Madagascar speaks of men he knows from India and Saudi Arabia who also want to become pastors. In Madagascar, the Lutheran Church has about 4.5 million members and is opening at least one new church a week. Can you imagine — one new church a week? With this kind of growth the need for pastors is tremendous. This student, with his training in our seminaries, will definitely be a candidate to train others who also want to be pastors.

Another scholarship recipient, Sergi Maschewski, trained at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 2000 and returned to his native Ukraine where he has now been elected bishop of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ukraine and is seeking altar and pulpit fellowship with the LCMS. It is difficult to imagine how many lives these two men will change and bring to Jesus. As women of the LWML we are blessed through their accomplishments.

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For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

Update on Disaster Response Trailers

2015–2017 Mission Grant: Disaster Response Trailers — LCMS Disaster Response, $80,000 fully paid


Since receiving the grant money from the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML), The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) has been able to grant 26 Disaster Response Trailer Grants spread throughout 21 districts! Each participating organization provided one-third of the funding toward the purchase of a trailer stocked with disaster response equipment and supplies. The $80,000 received from the LWML has multiplied into nearly $270,000 for equipment.

Presently, trailers are being made and the tools are being shipped to the receiving organizations. These organizations have promised to maintain the equipment and use them: generally in Mercy work throughout the year and specifically for Disaster Response when the need arises. LCMS Disaster Response provides a ministry of presence before, during, and after a disaster giving the volunteers a better position to speak the comforting truths of the Gospel to the individuals and families affected. This grant is helping to build our partners’ capacity to respond with Christian care to needs within the church and throughout our communities.

Additionally, while the intent of this equipment is for use in disaster response, it can certainly be used at other times. Disaster volunteers are encouraged to maintain their training in “down times’ by putting their equipment and training to good use, aiding those in their congregation and community who need assistance with maintaining their homes. In this way, they are provided with additional opportunities to act and speak of the love of Christ which motivates them in their love for others.

It is, indeed, a blessing to support this worthwhile grant with our mite offerings and continued prayers.

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For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

Update from LCMS Young Adult Corps

2015–2017 Mission Grant: LCMS Young Adult Corps (formerly LCMS Youth Corps) — Scholarships for Lutheran Mercy Young Adult Corps, $25,000 fully paid


This past summer, the Lutheran Young Adult Corps conducted a pilot short term mission trip in the St. Louis area in preparation of sending out their first group of young adults. They are currently accepting applications for the initial 2017–2018 program. Plans are to place 20 young adults in both the short term program and long term program. These participants will be placed in four cities: St. Louis, New Orleans, Boston, and Philadelphia, partnering with churches, campus ministry, and other Recognized Service Organizations. The Lutheran Young Adult Corps continues to promote the program through conferences, written materials, and social media. Continue to pray for the Lutheran Young Adult Corps as they reach out to today’s young adults and provide opportunities for them to serve the Lord with their hearts and hands. How exciting it is to see the plans come together. All praise and glory to our gracious  Father.

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For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

Update from Helping Hands Initiative

2015–2017 Mission Grant: Helping Hands Initiative — LCMS National Housing Support Corporation, $100,000 fully paid


Lorraine Evans grew up in the Landsdowne neighborhood of East St. Louis just down the street from Unity Lutheran Church. She was walking by one of the houses under repair and asked about the project. After learning the story of Helping Hand Initiative working with the Lutheran church just down the street she said, “What a great idea!”

Unity Lutheran Church pastored by Dr. Willie Stallworth is leading the Landsdowne Community Initiative (LCI) to revitalize the Landsdowne neighborhood where their church is
located. With the help of the Helping Hand Initiative and the LCMS National Housing Support Corporation, a large portion of this $100,000 grant is at work here. The Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) and Laborers for Christ (LFC) both pitched in to help this older congregation. The leadership of Unity Lutheran directed the complete repair of eight homes with two additional homes almost finished. These are homes of the elderly and low-income in the neighborhood of their church. Pastor Stallworth worked with the recipients to coordinate the projects but more importantly to forge relationships with the residents to meet their spiritual needs as well as their physical ones.

In Fremont, Nebraska, a homeowner had suffered a stroke and was unable to return home. Fifty years ago, Lorraine’s father had purchased the house for the young couple and she promised to keep the house for as long as she could. Through the work of Helping Hand Initiative, a wheelchair ramp and other numerous repairs were completed, allowing Bob to return home to his wife Lorraine. Now, as Lorraine said, thanks to Helping Hand Initiative, “I’m keeping my promise.”

Pastor David Coe at Trinity Lutheran Church in Fremont led the Helping Hand Initiative in this neighborhood. He led the congregation working with a community-based non-profit, Rebuilding Together Platte Valley East (RTPVE) and leveraging their resources to increase the impact of the grant and repair more houses than anticipated of low-income and elderly residents in their neighborhood. He enlisted the help of many volunteers including members of the congregation. Through these projects both congregations bear witness to the love and mercy of Christ in their desire to serve others.

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For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

Update on Rosa Young Academies

2015–2017 Mission Grant: Rosa Young Academies — Rosa Young Projects Initiative, $25,000 fully paid


A $25,000 grant was given to LCMS Black Ministry in the Office of National Mission for the purpose of helping to lay the groundwork for the Rosa J. Young Academies project.

Rosa’s love for Christ our Savior and the confessional teachings of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod created a lasting legacy. Many of her students went on to serve nobly in secular professions, and many more became pastors and teachers. Her story is timeless and useful. It offers hope in adversity for rural and inter-city mission work today.

The legacy of Rosa J. Young has become the inspiration for educating a new generation. The Rosa J. Young Academies and After School Programs have the goal of re-establishing Lutheran Christian education in districts where there are large African American and immigrant populations.

The grant monies were used to prepare the Rosa J. Young Academies process for the completion of many stages before the opening of the first school in August 2018. Dr. Douglas P. Thaman, Ed.D, Executive Director, Missouri Charter Public School Association has been contracted as service provider of the process. Presently, they are working with goals in process as well as long term goals. Some of these include feasibility study/research, drafting a business and operating plan, establishing a 501c3 organization and governing body, coordinating and partnering with other entities to draft a management and curriculum plan, and drafting a charter school application.

Along with more fundraising, much still needs to be accomplished before the target opening of the 1st school in August of 2018. Rosa J. Young felt education was important, but a Christian education was better. Thanks be to God that we of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League are given the opportunity to help fund this worthwhile mission grant with our prayers and mite offerings.

View the PDF.

For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

Thank You Letter from Phil's Friends

2015–2017 Mission Grant: Cancer Care Packages — Phil's Friends, $50,000 fully paid


Thank you from Phil's Friends, a 2015–2017 LWML Mission Grant recipient, for the $50,000 grant to finance the cost of the care packages, which provide Christ-centered support and hope, for cancer patients across the nation.

"Thank you for saying YES and bringing hope to cancer patients through Phil's Friends in 2016. Your generosity allowed cancer patients to receive support and encouragement from someone who understands the journey. Your YES sent out comforting care packages, weekly cards of encouragement and met patients in a fight for life inside the hospital. Most importantly your YES let patients know they are not alone and loved by God."

"Here are a few highlights: 

  • Sent nearly half a million cards to cancer patients
  • Sent nearly 500 care packages a month
  • Engaged 7,000 volunteers of all ages at the Hope Center in Illinois
  • Expanded to three floors at Northwestern Hospital
  • Started hospital program at Rush University Medical Center
  • Partnered with DePaul University Master's in Nursing Program
  • Established a formal hospital training program for volunteers"

View the entire letter.

For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

Update from LCMS Disaster Response: Roberto

2013–2015 Reallocated Mission Grant: Conference Center and Theological Education for Disaster Response Training Conference in Latin America/Communion Kits, $100,000 fully paid


From the Mission Field: The women of LWML gave money to buy several communion kits for the pastors here and Roberto has been using his so I wanted to send some photos to the women of LWML to say "Thank you!" The pastors here are pretty humble and gifts like this are greatly appreciated.


For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.


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