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10/9/2017 Weekly article

Serving With Gladness …

From societies, to zones, to districts, our LWML is constantly moving to engage, encourage, equip, and enjoy serving our God and each other through Bible studies, devotional aids, sketches, and of course our Mite box offerings.

Excitement is another “E” word to describe what is overflowing between our Lutheran women. Committees have been prayerfully selected as we begin this new biennium, and now we are ready to continue the path God is designing for us.

October 25th thru October 27th, 2017, each committee member will travel to St. Louis for an Interdepartmental Meeting. Fundamental groundwork will begin here, as we join together Lutheran Women in Mission, motivated by our desire to share the necessary Gospel message of Jesus Christ to a world in need.

Look under The Word above to find helps for sharing and for being in God’s Word. Under Program Helps you can also find a two-year planner, reSOURCES, which is available as a free download or by phone order at 800-252-5965.

We will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word (Acts 7: 26).


10/2/2017 Weekly article

What's in the Future?

We plan for events in our future — graduations, weddings, baby showers, retirement. Sometimes plans change over time to better fit our needs, or unexpected things that happen. None of us knows what's in the future, but we do know Who holds it through the gift of our faith in Jesus Christ.

nullThe LWML continues to prepare for changes to follow where the Lord  guides the organization. At the 75th Anniversary Diamond Dazzle celebration, past president Gloria Edwards shared, "Change can happen if the desire to move on is greater than the desire to hold on."

Your continued support for the 75th Anniversary Thank Offering to benefit the LWML Endowment will help provide a legacy for the future as together Lutheran Women in Mission pray and plan for serving and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Donations may be given online at, or mailed to the LWML office at 3558 S. Jefferson Ave., St Louis MO 63118. Please note donations for LWML 75th Anniversary Thank Offering.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). 


9/25/2017 Weekly article

Serve the Lord with Gladness

The Executive Committee of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) met recently to select committee leaders for the biennium. Many qualified women are dedicated to “Serve the Lord with gladness.”

You may be the woman who accepted your role immediately knowing this is exactly where God wanted you to serve, or one who hesitated, was fearful, prayed awhile, and are now wondering what in the world you’ve gotten yourself into. Trust God! He guides His leaders in His path and steps — and He will certainly bless you. In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps (Proverbs 16:9 NIV).

See yourself as a leader and learn from the best ones ever — the God blessed men and women of the Bible. We are all gifted by Christ for service in the church … just not all in the same area. Remember Paul’s analogy of the body of Christ … we’re not all eyes, ears, legs or arms, but we all serve to the Glory of Christ and the benefit of His body — the Church. Enjoy your role as a leader gifted by God.

Find leader resources here.

Learn more about LWML here.


9/10/2017 Weekly article


Our homework assignment given by Bible Study Leader Deaconess Betty Knapp at the 2017 LWML Convention in Albuquerque was to write a personal mission statement. Betty said that we are all evolving in our daily walk so what we focus on today might be different next year, but the focus of our faith is changeless: Jesus Christ Above All. Betty’s statement holds true for me.Personal Mission Statement: The mission of Michelle is to display God's love and grace for me by serving my family, friends, and strangers as the Lord wills. I actually did my homework 24 years prior at the 1993 ILWML Convention. Our assignment in Edmonton was to break into small groups and write our personal mission statement. With mentoring and encouragement from Marilyn McClure, I completed the assignment.

Throughout the years, my personal mission statement and the LWML Mission Statement have reminded me of God’s love and grace and has encouraged me to show His love to others. The gift of grace is given to us through the waters of our Baptism and comes to us through faith in Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection. God’s love enables us to use our gifts and open our hearts in ministry to the people of the world.

For additional information on the LWML Mission Statement, click here.


Caring and Sharing Together

nullChances are, your pastor does not regularly visit this website. Actually, I have found that many of my LWML Sisters don’t come here too often. This page is updated each week, and committees regularly post updates on their pages about new opportunities, products and processes to assist you in your society, zone and district activities.  Each week your visit is like seeing it anew.

As a women’s organization, we sometimes forget to inform and include our pastors in our LWML activity. Our pastors are our partners in mission. By right of his office as shepherd of the congregation, pastors should be considered as ex officio members of our LWML societies. They should be invited and encouraged to participate in meetings, activities, and leadership.

Reach out to your pastor and share this website with him and other LWML sisters. Encourage them to visit here often. Pastors and other church workers are encouraged to send in comments, suggestions, and district updates.  For more information about our partnering together, click here or go to our Church Workers in Mission page under the Service tab. Let’s serve the Lord with gladness, together.

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11–12).


Wherever I Am, God is With Me

Change is constant. My husband and I recently made an extreme change in our lives, moving from our North Dakota home of 21 years to a new home in Colorado. We are meeting a new church family and new neighbors, learning new ways to garden and bake at high altitudes, and adjusting to life in the mountains. While exciting, change can be overwhelming at times.

In times of change I thank my Lord for His unchanging love and mercy! Each morning, I look forward to what God has in store for me that day. I know He is with me whether I’m in North Dakota or Colorado, whether I’m walking the path He has laid out for me or even if I’ve strayed from His will and am feeling lost. My God is with me each step of the way.

Please take time to read this short devotion: “Comfort from the Psalms – an Unchanging God.” This is a Mustard Seed Devotion and you can sign up for a new devotion sent to your email each day here. These devotions are a reminder of how God is always with us. Enjoy!

In His service, filled with His joy,


“Mountaintop” Experiences

Remember those “mountaintop” experiences in our lives? In June of 2017 God granted a “mountaintop” experience to our Women in Mission who planned, prepared, presented, and attended our 37th LWML Biennial Convention and the 75th Anniversary celebration in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Every aspect of this convention was a motivation to equip us, as we serve Christ in our daily lives, and continue “mountaintop” journeys.

What do you need to help engage and encourage someone with the gift of hearing about Jesus? Many helps are available in the new Catalog 2017–2018 and online:

More? Search this site! Go — engage and equip others to spread the message of Good News!

Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act (Psalm 37:5).



LWML Resources