
Long Bible Studies

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Experience the Joy – Then Share It

Bible Study on Joy. 3 sessions. 28 pages. By Miriam Maassel Neumann. Leader Guide available.

Experience the Joy — Then Share It is a three part retreat or Bible study focusing on the joy we find through Christ’s forgiveness and also the comfort and protection we receive from God our Father. Our joy can then be intentionally shared as we serve God through witnessing to others about His goodness.

Joy is an important concept in the Bible. The words joy, joyful, and rejoice appear many times. No synonym for joy expresses the joy we have as Christians! Words like happy and glad do not express quite the same feeling as joy. The word joy is important, because joy plays a major role in our lives as Christians. Our theme verse says, Rejoice always (1 Thessalonians 5:16). But is that possible? We will explore this as we study Experience the Joy – Then Share It.


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Every Picture Can Tell God's Story

Bible Study/Retreat Package on Witnessing, 6 sessions. 34 pages. By Diane Grebing.

cover of Every Picture Can Tell God's Story. Cover art has color photographs scattered across cover.

What use do you make of the photographs you’ve taken or received? Have you used them as a way to witness Jesus’ saving love and God’s power and provision in our lives? Photographs can provide a gateway to share the Gospel. The images you’ve captured through the lens of your camera can tell God’s story in a unique, creative, and compelling way.

The six sessions of this study are designed to open your eyes to new ways in which you can be a winsome witness of Jesus using your own personal photographs and experiences. You’ll see how the photographed images of a child’s smiling face, sunlight filtering through clouds after a storm, snow-capped mountain peaks, a rugged hiking path, friends celebrating a birthday, community workers serving others after a natural disaster, a young hand embracing another hand worn with age, family portraits, a peaceful fishing pond, and the other images captured in the past can help you tell God’s story of salvation with meaning and conviction.

Since the object of this study is to create a Witness Album, it lends itself to utilizing several different mediums. You may choose to make a traditional scrapbook or small photo album, but if you have access to the internet, Canva, Shutterfly, or Snapfish could be options.

Since there is a very convenient type of media in the palm of your hand, your cell phone, you may opt to create a gallery of photos. What is unique about this study is that naturally leads to intergenerational connections by utilizing the technological skills of the younger women.

The Leader Edition includes the Bible study, possible service projects, suggested schedules and ideas for a one-day or two-day retreat, list of materials needed, suggested songs and hymns, and leader helps and answers.

Lesson 1: Exposing The Light
Lesson 2: Opening our Lenses
Lesson 3: Setting Our Focus 
Lesson 4: Composing Our Witness
Lesson 5: Processing Our Images
Lesson 6: Exhibiting Our Albums 

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Every Picture Can Tell God's Story — Study Guide

Every Picture Can Tell God's Story — Leader Guide

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For Such a Time as This

Bible Study on God's Timing. 3 sessions. 20 pages. By Miriam Maassel Neumann. Leader Guide available with optional retreat plan and coloring page.

Esther went from an orphan to a queen. Joseph went from a slave to being second only to the King in all the land of Egypt. They both had ups and downs in their lives. This is typical of most of our lives as well.  God has a plan for each of us, which eventually unfolds in His time and manner.  His plans and purposes surface at exactly the right time.

Esther and Joseph were just two of many Biblical characters who had things happen in their earlier lives that prepared them for the special purpose God had planned for them. This Bible study looks at Esther’s story, Joseph’s story, and then offers the opportunity to reflect our own personal stories and consider how events in our lives have prepared us for the plan and purpose God has for our lives. 

This three part Bible study with an optional retreat planning guide was written by Miriam Neumann. It looks at Esther’s Story, Joseph’s Story and then at our story.  A leader’s guide is included as well as a bonus coloring page.

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For Such a Time as This — Study Guide

For Such a Time as This — Leader Guide

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Gifted for Service

Bible Study on Leadership, Spiritual Gifts. 1 session. 5 pages. By Sue von Fange.

This spiritual gifts Bible study, including links to online spiritual gifts inventories, works for any size group.

Part One: Why Study Spiritual Gifts? 
Part Two: What is a Spiritual Gift?
Part Three: How Many People Have Spiritual Gifts? 
Part Four: How Do Spiritual Gifts Relate to the Church? 
Part Five: What Does the Bible Say?
Part Six: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Part Seven: Seven Steps Toward Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
Part Eight: What Will Happen If Everyone in Our Church Decides to Discover, Develop, and Use Their Spiritual Gifts? 

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Gifted for Service


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Christian Leaders Bible Study

Bible Study on Leadership. 3 sessions. 13 pages. By Rev. John Heckmann. Leader Guide available.


This three-part Bible study and leader’s guide with insights into developing leadership attitudes and skills is ideal for a leadership workshop or Board of Directors’ study.

Heavenly Father, Thank You for calling each of us to be leaders, whether it is in the corporate office or to our children, or to those You place in our lives at various times and in various situations, and everywhere in between. As I study the qualifications of a Christian leader, lead me to rejoice in those areas in which I excel by Your grace and strengthen me in those areas where work still needs to be done. Equip me to be the Christian leader You would have me to be. In the precious name of Jesus I pray. Amen!

Part One: Qualifications of Christian Leaders 
Part Two: Priorities and Motives of Christian Leaders 
Part Three: Characteristics of Christian Leaders

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Christian Leaders Bible Study — Study Guide

Christian Leaders Bible Study — Leader's Guide


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Mountaintop Journeys with Jesus

Bible Study on Comfort and Hope, 7 sessions. 42 pages. By Rev. Robert Selle.


Sharing experiences in his work as a LCMS missionary, author, Rev. Robert Selle, serves as a guide for seven journeys with Jesus in this Bible study. Written for group or individual study.

The aim of this Bible study is to take mountaintop journeys with Jesus — actually seven of them — to visit some of the mountains that marked His earthly sojourn among us and, throughout our travel, to remember and celebrate His unconditional love for us. When you ascend to such heights, the view is fantastic! We can see a long, long way! With such an expansive overview, it’s easier to put things into the proper perspective. We sometimes get so caught up in the “busyness” of this work-a-day world that, as the expression goes, “we can’t see the forest for the trees.” We have trouble setting priorities. We put first things last, and last things first. We forget our Savior. We lose hold of His hand and get lost in the wastelands. Sometimes it’s so necessary just to stand back and “get you up into a high mountain.”  

Lesson One: MOUNTAINTOP OF REVELATION | Birth of Jesus
Lesson Two: MOUNTAINTOP OF INSPIRATION | Jesus at the Temple
Lesson Four: MOUNTAINTOP OF TRANSCENDENCE | Transfiguration
Lesson Six: MOUNTAINTOP OF MISSION | Ascension
Lesson Seven: MOUNTAINTOP OF MYSTERY | On the Last Day

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Mountaintop Journeys with Jesus

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Living with Pain — Strength and Survival

Bible Study on Comfort and Hope, Dealing with Down Days, 8 sessions. 55 pages. By Roxanne M. Smith. Leader Guide available.


Pain is powerful. It can totally destroy some lives, cripple others, and burden many more. What is the Christian's response physically, emotionally, and spiritually? Author Roxanne M. Smith explores this question in this eight-lesson study, sharing personal experiences and searching Scripture. Relevant to pain sufferers and those who care for them.

Lesson One: Life Plan Disrupted
Lesson Two: My Heart’s Cry
Lesson Three: What About Healing?
Lesson Four: What About Healing? Part 2
Lesson Five: The Call to Prayer
Lesson Six: The Great Cure-Giver’s Gifts
Lesson Seven: Our Hope of Heaven
Lesson Eight: Legacy

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Living with Pain: Strength and Survival — Study Guide

Living with Pain: Strength and Survival — Leader Guide

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