The following report was provided by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, for 2021–2023 LWML Mission Grant #14 Caring for and Sharing Christ with Hurting People.

The Caring For and Sharing Christ With Hurting People grant allows Concordia Seminary’s deaconess students to fully devote their concentration to their studies as they prepare to become deaconesses for the church.
The Caring For and Sharing Christ With Hurting People grant provided vital support to Concordia Seminary's mission of nurturing well-prepared deaconesses. The aim of this project was to provide scholarships and assistance with the cost of providing theological education of deaconess students, particularly through the newly established Online Deaconess Studies Program. These grant funds made it possible for Concordia Seminary’s deaconess students to be equipped to provide compassionate, Christ-centered assistance to individuals in need, both physically and spiritually, and point them toward the Gospel.
This grant impacted deaconess students in the following ways:
Scholarship support: The grant facilitated the provision of scholarships for deaconess students, alleviating financial burdens and enabling them to pursue theological education. These scholarships ensured that qualified candidates could access training without financial constraints.
Assistance with Seminary costs: Financial assistance provided through the grant eased the overall cost associated with seminary education. This support encouraged enrollment and enabled students to focus on their studies and practical training without undue financial stress.
Expansion of Online Deaconess Studies Program: The grant contributed to the growth of the Online Deaconess Studies Program, which saw a 90% increase in enrollment from 2021-23. This program has broadened access to theological education, particularly for those unable to pursue traditional on-campus studies due to geographical or logistical constraints.
Formation of well-prepared deaconesses: With increased enrollment and financial support, Concordia Seminary has been able to foster the development of well-prepared deaconesses. These students have been equipped with the theological knowledge and practical skills to share the Gospel and serve those in need with compassionate, Christ-centered help.
The impact of the Caring For and Sharing Christ With Hurting People grant extends beyond its immediate outcomes, laying the foundation for continued Gospel-centered outreach and compassionate service. Concordia Seminary’s deaconess graduates will continue in their ministries, serving individuals and communities, for years to come. Their service is a tangible expression of God's love and mercy. Continued support and investment in such initiatives will enable Concordia Seminary to reach even more individuals, equipping them for effective ministry and Gospel proclamation. The impact will resonate within hearts and minds, as more individuals are pointed toward the cross and the gift of eternal life through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Abigail Reynolds is a second-year deaconess student at Concordia Seminary.
Why I chose Concordia Seminary’s Deaconess Studies Program: “At the Seminary, I feel surrounded by the love of Jesus. My courses and wonderful professors equip me to share Christ in a wholehearted, informed and practical way.”

Jessica Thompson is a second-year deaconess student at Concordia Seminary. Jessica also serves as an admissions officer for the Seminary.
Why I chose Concordia Seminary’s Deaconess Studies Program: “After a wonderful 15 years of serving the church as a Lutheran school teacher, I felt the urge to explore other gifts that God has given me. I feel so thankful to have the opportunity to study theology at Concordia Seminary from our amazing professors, alongside some incredible ladies.”

Julie Baumann is a second-year deaconess student at Concordia Seminary.
Why I chose Concordia Seminary’s Deaconess Studies Program: “There are many reasons I could give for why I chose to pursue deaconess studies here at CSL, but the simplest way to put it is that Christ pursued me first.
As a freshman in high school, my pastor told me that I would make a great deaconess, and, as a thirteen-year-old who knew everything, I laughed and said "No chance." I've since learned to never say "no" to God. I had two big misunderstandings about being a church worker - 1) that all church workers were old and boring, and 2) that I had to be "good enough" to serve God well. Come to find out, I was wrong on both ends - and thank goodness for that! I thought I had my life all planned out, but He had an even better plan for me. One where I could learn alongside my brothers and sisters, using the gifts and talents that He has given me to better serve those around me to show and tell them of His great love for them.
In being here at CSL and learning to minister to others, He's continued to put many people in my life who have been incredible blessings and mentors to me, especially my deaconess sisters. This life He's given me has been filled with many ups and downs, but He's been constant through it all. He's been faithful to His promises to me, even when I falter. It's because of this that I know that my life is in His hands, and I'm very thankful for my time here at CSL in my preparation to go out and serve Him by serving others.”

Katlynn Schnitker is from Seymour Indiana and attends Immanuel Lutheran Church. She is a second-career deaconess student in the Online Deaconess Studies Program.
Why I chose Concordia Seminary’s Deaconess Studies Program: “I chose Concordia Seminary, St. Louis to pursue my Deaconess certification because of its rich history and commitment to the formation of deaconesses. The Online Deaconess Studies Program allows me to complete the program while I work and take care of my family. I also can serve my church as a deaconess intern concurrent with my studies.”

Laura McCormack was born and raised in the south (Texas, Louisiana, Florida Panhandle). Her father is a Lutheran pastor, so she grew up being very involved in the church and has long been interested in people and learning theology. After gaining many life and missional experiences, Laura answered the call to serve in God's kingdom through diaconal ministry.
Why I chose Concordia Seminary’s Deaconess Studies Program: “I first learned about deaconess ministry from my father and gained further knowledge and encouragement through friends in the program and other church workers. I chose the CSL Deaconess Studies program for the opportunity to study theology and spiritual care alongside trusted peers, with the instruction and guidance of respected theologians.”
For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.
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