
Featured Mission Grant Resources

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March 2017 LCMS Young Adult Corps

LCMS Young Adult Corps (formerly LCMS Youth Corps) — Scholarships for Lutheran Mercy Young Adult Corps 


Grant Amount: $25,000

  • To provide scholarships for young Lutheran adults that have been selected as volunteers to serve in areas in which their talents and services are needed (poverty/inner city areas, and areas of disadvantage and/or long-term recovery). LCMS Young Adult Corps members are especially trained to live and work and be identified with the people in the community, using their skills and understanding to serve these people in relation to their needs and to the skills and resources available, always being Christ’s witness in acts of mercy for the church and the world.

Resources for Mission Grant #17

Long-term service opportunities, suited for youth who after high school or college have not yet settled on a vocation, are offered by Lutheran Mercy Youth Corps. Host sites will provide opportunities to serve neighbor and community in a volunteer service. Living in a community with other youth, they will have daily devotions, connections to a nearby church for Word and Sacrament ministry, and theological training before the youth are sent out on a mercy project such as domestic work in the inner-city or other underserved areas. Each participant will provide a portion of the stipend dispersals with LWML grant money supplementing the funds as scholarships.


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February 2017 Healthy Families

Healthy Families — Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska


Grant Amount: $60,000

  • To continue to move forward at the Centers with its mission to build and strengthen individual, family, and community life, beginning with pregnant mothers, infants, and children under age five.

Resources for Mission Grant #8

The Lutheran Family Services (LFS) centers will continue to move forward with its mission to build and strengthen individuals, family, and the community beginning with pregnant mothers, infants, and children under the age of five. LFS has 29 centers from Council Bluffs, Iowa, to North Platt, Nebraska. They use an incentive-based combination of programing including parenting classes, support groups, therapy, and case management, reducing the risk of child abuse and neglect. While teaching the parent(s) parenting skills, it will help the child to feel secure, nurtured, and able to succeed in learning and in life.


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January 2017 In Their Hands and Upon Their Hearts

“In Their Hands and Upon Their Hearts” — Lutheran Bible Translators, Angola, Botswana, Ethiopia, and Namibia


Grant Amount: $50,000

  • To fund the printing and distribution of scripture in mother tongue languages where Lutheran Bible Translator supported translation projects are ongoing or have recently been completed in Botswana, Ethiopia, and Angola/Namibia Africa.

Resources for Mission Grant #12

Understanding and acceptance of the gospel message is the door to Christian faith. The unique mission of Lutheran Bible Translators (LBT) is to make scripture accessible to those who do not yet have it in the language of their hearts. This LWML Mission Grant will provide God’s Word in print and media production in Angola, Botswana, Ethiopia, and Namibia and help in accelerating the accessibility of Scripture. 


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December 2016 We Are God's Workmanship

“We Are God's Workmanship” — International Student scholarship at St. Paul High School, Concordia, Missouri


Grant Amount: $32,500

  • To assist in supplementing the expenses of six Saint Paul Lutheran High School (boarding school) students from impoverished countries who intend to return to their homes as pastors, teachers, missionaries or in other areas of church work.

Resources for Mission Grant #13

St. Paul Lutheran Church in Concordia, Missouri is a boarding school with their student body being 45% international students. These students are from impoverished countries across the globe. By assisting with funds for these students, who intend to prepare for ministry and return to their country of origin as leaders, they will declare Christ “to the ends of the earth.” Many of these students go to study at St. Paul in preparation for post-secondary education at a Concordia University.


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November 2016: Training Teachers and Leaders

Training Teachers and Leaders — Concordia Seminary, St. Louis


Grant Amount: $100,000

  • To assist the global Lutheran churches in equipping those who seek advanced theological training who will return to their homeland and train countless others to proclaim Jesus boldly.

Resources for Mission Grant #10

LWML will assist the global Lutheran churches in equipping those who seek advanced theological training. These students will return to their homeland and train countless others to proclaim Jesus boldly. Very few of these church bodies are able to support the cost of sending to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod the best men and women that they have for graduate study. The graduate school of Concordia Seminary St. Louis is thankful for its increased opportunity to provide training of International Confessional Lutheran teachers and leaders for informed and thoughtful service in the church in the world today.


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LWML Resources