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9/6/2023 September to Remember article

A Woman of God

Emma, a woman from a small Wisconsin town, was a model for me as a young pastor’s wife years ago. She loved LWML, people and missions. Her face radiated her love for the Lord and His love for her. On many occasions she was my encourager and mentor. One example was when our children were very young and were not the quietest during worship. This dear friend said to me after one of those days, “When I hear children in church laughing, crying, whining, I know the church is alive!” I will always remember those words of her love and grace and have shared them with other young mothers. She was a model of a woman of God and a woman in mission. I thank God for Emma Rhode.

As I wrote this memory moment, I am grateful for “September to Remember,” an avenue on Tuesday, September 12, to give a special gift to the LWML Mission Grants goal in her honor and memory. I encourage you to do the same for someone who has guided you, befriended you and loved you as a sister in Christ.

Karol Selle

9/5/2023 September to Remember article

Moms, Mite Boxes, and Mission Grants

The women who taught me the most about the importance of contributing to mission grants through mites were my dear, departed mother-in-law, Lorena Werner and my “El Paso Mom” Sue Anderson.

As a young bride and new member of the Lutheran Church my mother-in-law Lorena explained what LWML’s mission was and gave me my first mite box. She invited me to the LWML meeting at our church, Christ Lutheran, Yuma, AZ and I got involved, serving as a society officer, and helping with various fundraisers to contribute to the mission grants via our mite boxes.

After we relocated to the El Paso, TX area 25 years ago Sue Anderson (former Rocky Mountain District President) encouraged me to get involved in LWML at Ascension Lutheran, El Paso, TX. With Sue’s mentoring I served as an officer in our Zone and on the Rocky Mountain District Mission Grants Committee. Serving on the Mission Grants committee really opened my eyes to all the opportunities our district and national mission grants provide to spread the good news of Jesus to people locally and world-wide. I was hooked! I hope you will join me in furthering our mission outreach by contributing to the September to Remember campaign.

Anita Werner

9/4/2023 September to Remember article

Serving with Gladness

When I think of someone that exemplifies “serving with gladness”, the person from my church that comes to mind is Wanda. Wanda seeks out all the visitors attending our church and encourages them to worship with us again. Goodie bags after the Sunday School Christmas Service are due to Wanda purchasing treats and assembling the bags. Thanks to Wanda, shut-ins are remembered many different times throughout the year; one I enjoy is singing Christmas carols to them. The joy on their faces is evident as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

Years ago, Wanda invited me to our church LWML group. She has been and continues to be a mighty prayer warrior for any and all. Her service to the LWML and God’s church is an amazing testament to Christ’s redeeming love for her.

Who in your church exemplifies “serving with gladness”? Consider contributing to “September to Remember” in thankfulness for them and the example they are to all they meet. Thank God for all the Wandas in your life. May we all strive to show God’s love where He has placed us.

Arlene Naasz

9/3/2023 September to Remember article

The Women in my District

When I think of the women who influenced me in the LWML, I think of all the women and the wonderful opportunity I was given to serve with them in the LWML Wyoming District. Those women were and are a treasure. They had to endure me and my goofy humor while trying to get things accomplished. We shared a lot of laughter while getting the work done. They patiently worked through a rigorous agenda reflecting upon the Word of God for guidance as they carefully and prayerfully considered how their mites would make the greatest impact for the kingdom of God. They desired to have the women of the Wyoming District see the opportunities for service and mission work in the Church and spoke regularly over how to encourage each other. Their Godly spirit and joyous attention to the task before them made the work with them joyful and made me joyful. They truly wanted nothing more than to serve their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and reflect the light of Christ where they were.

I will always remember fondly the time I spent among them at those district meetings both as a board member and at convention. They taught me the joy of serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

Rev. Mark Maas

9/2/2023 September to Remember article

Receiving Jesus’s Love Through Friends

In August 1986, our two sons and I were in our home when it took a direct hit by a Kansas tornado. Suffering only minor cuts, we were protected by God from serious bodily harm. The ranch, however, was a tangled mess of trees, buildings, vehicles, and equipment. Hundreds of neighbors embodied His hands and feet as they cleaned, hauled, picked up, rebuilt, donated, and encouraged us during the following weeks.

Just as love, service, and support from the hearts of friends strengthened us, you can give from your heart on September 12 — Lutheran Women in Mission’s Giving Tuesday. Your gifts will impact lives through disaster response, mental health outreach, and ministry to the deaf, vision impaired, and special needs students. Most importantly, resources are distributed with the precious Gospel message of Jesus’s love and salvation for all.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10).

Brenda Piester

9/1/2023 September to Remember article

Who are the people in your neighborhood?

LWML is a wonderful, Christ-centered, serving-joyfully neighborhood. When I think of my personal Lutheran Women in Mission neighborhood, I remember all the women in Kansas who served alongside me for the past 20 years. Each one a mentor as they shined the light of Jesus love while they “Served the Lord with Gladness”.

Lois, the District President at my first convention. Jean, who asked me to serve on the PR committee, where I met and learned joy-filled serving from Becky. Judy and Betty both lead with grace. A few others‒Kim, Debbie, Brenda, Gloria, and many more‒all servant leaders who helped me to grow along the way and might not even know. The M&M’s (Mary and Marlene) who brought laughter to LWML history, mites and serving. Young Women Representatives who touched my life as we shared national convention experiences.

My neighborhood has now expanded to the Pacific Southwest and there are new mentors stepping into place. The greatest thing about the Lutheran Women in Mission neighborhood is that it grows with each serving experience.

In honor of your own neighborhood, please consider contributing during the Lutheran Women in Mission September to Remember campaign on September 12.

Karen Morrison

8/31/2023 September to Remember article

Inspired to Serve

When I think of a woman who exemplified “serving with gladness,” Claire Carlson comes to mind. I first met Claire in 1994 at my first LWML Eastern District Convention. I was moved by her enthusiasm and obvious love of the Lord. Claire inspired and encouraged me to actively serve in the LWML Eastern District. Over the ensuing years, Claire was an inspiration and mentor to many ladies of the Eastern District to serve the Lord in all sorts of capacities. Even after Claire moved with her family to LWML Chesapeake District, she continued to be a beacon of light to me and so many others across the nation as the Convention Transportation and Tours Manager.

On this “September to Remember,” I joyfully donate to the LWML Mission Goal in memory of Claire and in honor of all those ladies she inspired to serve. Please consider donating on September 12, 2023, in remembrance of someone who inspires you to “serve the Lord with gladness!

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! (Psalm 100:1–2).

Praise the Lord!

Kathy Pavelock


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