This log in is for LWML Authorized Personnel and eQuarterly subscribers. Authorized Personnel includes members of the LWML Board of Directors, Presidents Assembly, and committees/task forces/special teams.
If you are reading this you have a love for Christ, want to study His Word, and reach out to others with Jesus’ message of salvation. You are mission minded! As a vice president of the LWML I am privileged to serve with women and men who are passionate about Christ and His mission. The members of the Leader Development and HOPE Committees are constantly evaluating the resources available for you so that you can be better equipped to share Jesus with the world. Your comments and suggestions about our website, social media posts, and resources help us to help you!
Have you used a resource that inspired you? Have you looked for help in an area where there doesn’t seem to be a resource? Do you reach out in your community in a unique way you’d like to share with us? As you browse our website do any questions come to mind? We enjoy and value your feedback! Contact me with any questions or comments at and together we will serve and share Jesus!
Debbie Larson
Vice President of Organizational Resources
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Taking a break from normal routine can set you back onto a straighter path. Sometimes it takes a vacation to the beach or to a quiet, peaceful place in the mountains. God knows we need to rest. He shows us the example of rest. After six days of creating the world, He rested.
Daily we need to take time to reflect on God’s Word too. If you don’t have a regular daily time with God consider starting today. There are multiple resources on the LWML website. A very special resource is a flip calendar called God’s Grace for Growth. Besides a daily Bible verse to contemplate there are daily prayer starters. You can purchase it through the LWML website at
Remember, there is no better place to be regenerated than in God’s Word.
“May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy,” Colossians 1:11
Shelley Moeller
Vice President of Gospel Outreach
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
When children learn to talk, two phrases are often among the first: “Please” and “Thank you.”
In mission work we often ask you to please support mission work. However, you don’t always have the opportunity to hear “Thank you” from those who benefit from your donations, service, and prayers.
We are blessed to receive and share some of these words of appreciation. view and share them with those in your congregation and society! Here you will find videos from Phil’s Friends for the Cancer Care Packages, the check presentation for Disaster Response Trailers, from MOST Ministries for the Clean Water and Evangelism Ministry grant, and the reallocation of a mission grant for LCMS Disaster Response in Latin America. Articles and videos are updated regularly.
Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, “I believed, and so I spoke,” we also believe, and so we also speak, knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence. For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God (2 Corinthians 4:13-15).
Eden Keefe
Vice President of Christian Life
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Summer seems to have just begun, yet now it is the last full week of August! As the end of sunny day events draw to a close, activities are already beginning the fill the Fall calendar.
As you plan for your Fall this year, look a little further and mark your calendar for next Summer — June 22–25, 2017, for the LWML 37th Biennial Convention.
How are you planning for the convention? Are you …
faithfully digging a little deeper to fill your Mite Box with dollars, purple $5 and checks to insure the mission mite goal is met in order to fund missions around the world?
setting aside some time and funds for your trip to Albuquerque by train, plane, bus or automobile?
encouraging LWML friends, and family, to join you at the "Diamond Dazzle" to celebrate with joy of what the Lord has done through the LWML for 75 years?
Great! See you there!
Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name (Philippians 2:9).
Edie Norris
75th Anniversary Committee Chairman
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Most, if not all, organizations have something symbolic of their organization. The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is no exception. We have the Mite Box!
Based on the Biblical account of the widow’s mite (Luke 21:1-4), the Mite Box is intended for regular contributions to “mites” — offerings above and beyond the support an individual might give to their congregation. Mite Box contributions go hand-in-hand with the LWML’s major emphasis of supporting mission and ministry efforts throughout the world. These Mite Box offerings have funded over 100 million dollars in mission grants since the LWML was organized in 1942.
Mite Box offerings may be gathered in any number of ways including LWML society, zone, and district events, and are regularly (monthly) submitted to the LWML office at 3558 S Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118, so that mission grants can be funded as they are received. Individual contributions are welcomed and encouraged. Let’s keep filling the Mite Box!
Mite Box contributions that fund district and national mission grants and implement the LWML program have totaled over $100 million dollars. These grants share the Gospel to hurting people along with meeting basic needs like medical, nutritional, or educational necessities.
The LWML grant application process is in full gear and you don’t want to be left behind. The process is not as hard as you’d think. Write about the need, take a few photographs, then go to for the full guidelines and online application.
Ministries should:
Be mission in emphasis, extending the ministry of the Word.
Fit into plans and projections of the LCMS.
Be current and ready for implementation.
Be ongoing in nature, with assurance of continuing after the grant monies have been expended.
When proposing a grant for missions outside of the U.S., grant submitters must contact the LCMS Chief Mission Officer, Rev. Kevin D. Robson, to share the scope of the grant proposal.
Consider a need near you. Could an LWML grant help? Your mite offerings could help but you need to apply now! Applications are due September 30, 2016.
Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man (Psalm 66:5).
This is the theme for LWML Sunday 2016.
God calls us to “Come and See” how He brings about His salvation in the most unexpected ways and places, and to the most unlikely people. God invites us to be surprised by His awesome deeds of salvation in Jesus Christ even today, among people whom we might think least likely to receive His blessings. The Lord surprises us. So Come and See!
Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M
The LWML thanks Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M. for writing this year’s materials. Dr. Sánchez is the Werner R. H. and Elizabeth R. Krause Professor of Hispanic Ministries at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Click here to see all the resources available for LWML Sunday 2016. Many are available as FREE downloads.
Carol von Soosten
Public Relations Director
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Help promote mite giving in your congregation on LWML Sunday and all year long by ordering Individual and Children’s Mite Boxes.
(These items are free with shipping and handling.)
Electronic methods of giving are also available by automatic withdrawal through Joyful Response® or LWML website’s online donation process.