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God’s Word in a Suitcase?

God’s Word in a Suitcase?


On behalf of the Uhuru Highway Cathedral Women League in Kenya, I would like to appreciate the provision of the bible study materials which we received  from you early this year. The ladies are making good use of them wherever they meet for their prayer meetings and devotions and they have great impact on their spiritual life.

As a group, we appreciate your Mission work and looking forward to share with you more in the near future.

May God bless you as you continue to serve in His vineyard.

Caroline  (Pastor Isaiah Obare’s wife)

It’s November of 2015 and LWML Meeting Manager, Leslie Jaseph, is headed to Nairobi, Kenya. Her son, Phil, has completed two years as an LCMS GEO missionary in Kenya as Communications Specialist for Africa. Knowing she would encounter women serving in the church in Kenya she shopped the LWML store and added these items to her suitcase:


Here is Leslie with Pastor Isaiah Obare and her son, Phil.


A second email was received from the Kenyan Bible study group:

Hello Leslie,

Calvary greetings,

Last Saturday we met for our prayer meeting and we were blessed to use your bible study articles for the second time. It was amazing to learn more of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Love, Joy and peace …) we appreciate the work Lutheran Women Missionary League is doing in evangelism.

Please attached find the picture of ELCK ladies after the bible study session.

Sister in Christ, Caroline


LWML offers opportunities for women to express their faith through writing Bible studies, devotions, prayer books and doing artwork for those publications. Little did they know when they wrote a prayer to contribute to a prayer book or a devotion for the program helps page that it would end up halfway around the world encouraging and equipping our sisters in their Bible study, prayer and Christian education in East Africa. This is what Lutheran Women in Mission do. We enable women to use their God-given gifts in service to the world. The result of that service is up to the Holy Spirit.

We are blessed to have women like Leslie who take the initiative to distribute our resources. Where can you take God’s Word in the form of LWML resources? Will it be next door or across the ocean?

Make room in your suitcase this summer!

Serving Gladly,

Shop LWML resources at


Mission-minded, Fun-loving Fellowship

Mission-minded, Fun-loving Fellowship


Last week served as the kickoff to convention season in the districts of the LWML.  Over the next few months, mission-minded women will gather in prayer and be uplifted in their fun-loving fellowship. They will be engaged in the selection of mission grants, encouraged to share the Gospel, and equipped for joyful service through Bible studies. You may enjoy yourself at any of these fun-filled events around the country.

Please consider this your invitation to attend. Check out the complete list of 2016 district conventions here.


That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God's mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:2-3).


Young at Heart, Young in Body, Young in Mind

Young at Heart, Young in Body, Young in Mind

nullSpring cleaning time will soon be here. As a person young at heart (blessed in years), I have my past experiences of how to do things. I will invite my daughter to come over to help. She uses technology for new ideas and new ways to tackle things, and has a younger body for when my body is just not up to the task. My granddaughters will come with her. At ages 12 and 5, they have plenty to say, ask plenty of questions about everything, and have plenty of energy, too. They have to start somewhere, and we should channel that energy into the LWML.

As we approach the upcoming Spring Rallies and District Conventions, just like spring cleaning, we can Engage, Encourage, and Equip women of all ages to participate. If I had a grandson, I would invite him to clean and invite him to the convention. He may grow up to become an LWML Counselor. There is something for everyone to do and everyone has something to offer. Just ask, invite, and enjoy.


Celebrating Easter 24/7, 365 Days a Year!

“He is risen ... He is risen INDEED!” Those are the words we speak on this Easter Sunday morning. This is the victory won for us by Christ! 

But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home marveling at what had happened (Luke 24:12).

So what’s next? How do we hold on to this victory won for us by Christ 24/7, 365 days a year? By staying in God’s Word and by receiving the assurance of forgiveness in the Lord’s Supper. But the devil’s going to give you all kinds of “good reasons” to not hold on so tight to that victory, like: “Sunday is your only day to sleep in!” Or, “the kids have sports on Sundays! Missing one Sunday doesn’t hurt!” And what about this one, “you can start going to Church and Bible Study more when your schedule lightens up ... !” The devil is the one telling you those things, because the truth is that we are not going to be able to hold on to that victory without the strength that comes from God’s Word and Sacraments! Celebrate everyday, “He is risen ... He is risen INDEED!”


We Are the Champions!

“We are the Champions!” That’s a common theme throughout history, isn’t it? The fleeting nature of victory. Just ask Napoleon. Ask Hitler. Ask the Great British Empire. Even those individuals that maintain their grasp on power, money, and prestige their whole life soon find that they can’t take it with them. Death is imminent. You can’t avoid it. The glory of this world is fleeting. But there is a victory that lasts, a victory that nobody can take away ... a victory that doesn’t end at death. It’s the victory that we will see once again tomorrow morning. Easter morning! Through the efforts of our risen Lord Jesus, sin and death have been conquered.

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:56-57).

Therefore, my sisters and brothers of the LWML, thank God with your every thought, word, and action. Tomorrow, on Easter Sunday, hold on to Christ your risen Lord in Word and Sacrament, because in Him, “We are The Champions!” Amen.


Good Friday

Good Friday

 We often think of good in terms of a productive activity or a joyous event. We would comment, “I had a good day at work.” Or we would reflect, “That was a good birthday party; everyone had a lot of fun.” We enjoy good times with our friends and are encouraged when things go well.

On the Friday in which Jesus was crucified, suffered, and died, the Christian Church seeks to engage people with the word good, as in Good Friday. What's good about putting anyone to death, especially by the Roman means of crucifixion? The good in Good Friday refers to what this death means for us. The Apostle Paul concluded: For our sake [God] made [Jesus] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians5:21).

On Good Friday our sins are paid in full. Nothing could be better for us. That is why we worship “Jesus Christ Above All.”


Do As I Say and Do!

Are you able to absorb all that Jesus taught this special night we call Maundy Thursday? We call this Thursday, “Maundy” because that comes from a Latin word which means command, and Jesus gave some very special commands that night, like “love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34a) and “do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19b). Jesus not only gave us those commands but He put them into practice Himself. 

So very often people in charge don’t do a very good job of that. The boss likes to dictate your hours and coffee breaks and what you can and cannot do on company time, but he never follows his own rules. After all, he’s the boss! All too often, parents send the message to their kids: “Do as I say and not as I do.”  

However, Jesus is in charge of everything! He’s the master! He not only tells us what to do, He does it Himself first. So, on this Maundy Thursday let your actions follow the actions of Jesus through your time, talent, and the giving of your mites for mission!






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