
Featured Mission Grant Resources

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March 2021

Music Outreach, Classes, and Resources on the Border

2019-2021 Mission Grant 20 — $98,400

nullChildren sing, smile and rejoice as they join in praising at a weekly mission outreach program.  Grant funds would enable YLM to expand its classes for young children reaching families who already come each week to YLM's mission campus as a part of other ministry efforts.

The ministry of Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLMHC) impacts the lives of 400-500 students with educational programs, classroom space, and equipment. For the past 17 years YLMHC’s music ministry has proven successful in reaching out to the unchurched by witnessing to the mercy and grace of Christ.  The Adelante Ministries offers music classes and leadership training to youth and adults while it also provides service to the church and community. Through involvement in this music program, many students have come to faith in Christ. This grant will enable YLMHC to better equip their classroom and rehearsal space so they can serve and teach a larger range of students. It will also allow them to adapt existing space for music instruction, purchase recording equipment, create video tutorials for online instruction, fund a music intern position, and purchase musical instruments for students unable to afford their own. 

Resources for Grant #20

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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February 2021

Making Jesus Known in the United States Ethnic Communities

2019-2021 Mission Grant 19 — $100,000

nullBennego Kangar is an Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (EIIT) student and a native of Liberia. He serves at LINC (Lutheran Intercity Network Coalition) Ministries International - Twin Cities, in St. Paul, Minn. and at theAlley Church in Cottage Grove, Minn. He came to the U.S. from Liberia in 1992, first serving in Florida and later in Alabama, Texas and New Mexico before moving to Minnesota. Also during that 26-year period, he was called to service positions in Malawi and Brazil. 
His service with LINC includes church planting and outreach, mostly to members of large Liberian and Ethiopian communities in the St. Paul area. "My EIIT studies and my later ordination as a pastor will help enable me to share the Word from a stronger biblical foundation," he says. "I feel that God has called me to this service, and it's a passion of mine to bring people to Christ, to help them grow in their understanding of the Lord, and to help them to walk with Jesus Christ."   

Throughout the country, there are many devoted first-generation immigrants serving in full-time ministry, reaching out to their ethnic communities and sharing the Gospel. Many of these church workers are enrolled in either of two Concordia Seminary programs – the Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS) and the Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (EIIT). Both share the mission to make Christ known in their respective ethnic communities. CHS has a four-year program taught in Spanish and includes students from many Hispanic-Latino cultures. The EIIT program already has students that have been working in Word and Sacrament ministry as part of their culture. These students often have strained financial circumstances that are making it difficult to pay for this necessary education. Most hold two and three jobs to make ends meet but are willing to go to great lengths in the service of Christ and His Gospel. It is vital that they have the Biblical foundation to go with their passion for ministry. This grant will go towards funding the education costs of these devoted students and church workers.

Resources for Grant #19

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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January 2021

Sri Lanka Multipurpose Building Construction

2019-2021 Mission Grant 18 — $50,000

nullImmanuel Lutheran Church congregation at worship on Sunday morning.

The Lutheran church has operated in Sri Lanka since the 1920’s. Over the years, Lutherans in Sri Lanka have suffered numerous tests and trials. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has four very active congregations and seven preaching stations. There are three pastors for the 11 congregations. The need to train pastors is evident by the interest and enrollment in pre-seminary classes.  For many years the Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sri Lanka has needed a sanctuary for Immanuel Lutheran Church, a central administrative office, and facilities to offer the theological classes for future pastors which will provide a permanent Lutheran seminary. Plans for a building to house the sanctuary, administrative offices, and theological classrooms have been designed. This grant will assist in funding the construction of the Sri Lanka Multipurpose Building. 

Resources for Grant #18

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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December 2020

Christ for You, Anytime, Anywhere

2019-2021 Mission Grant 17 — $60,000

nullUsing the latest technology, KFUO can video stream LIVE on Facebook reaching multiple generations, especially the Digital Generation, with bibles studies, chapel services, and informative interviews about organizations that are striving to spread the Gospel. Viewers can make comments, ask questions, and engage in conversations with hosts/guests as they learn about God's Word and what they can do to help share the His Word with others.  (KFUO interviews Kelly Schumacher as she talks about her liturgical art and how she uses her skills and talent to spread the message of Jesus Christ, and encouraging listeners to use their own God-given talents to help share the Gospel.)

Since 1924, KFUO has been reaching people far and wide with the message of Jesus Christ by using the latest technology. In the last century, technology has advanced at an unprecedented rate and continues to develop with each new year. Incorporating the newest forms of communication methods into KFUO’s ministry, they can more effectively reach the younger generation and the generations to come with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even our Nation’s military can listen wherever they are stationed. Aging family and friends who are confined to their homes can still be gathered to the Word through an iPad or similar device. Prison Ministry also utilizes KFUO as an effective way of sharing the Gospel. This grant will assist the station in sharing the gospel and staying current in the digital age. 

Resources for Grant #17

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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November 2020

Preparing Leaders for Tomorrow

2019-2021 Mission Grant 16 — $80,000

nullTo address the critical shortage of school administrators, the School Leadership Development Project prepares leaders for tomorrow, seeking to strengthen and revitalize Lutheran schools with administrators trained to be vital and effective leaders so that God's children are well served, and His kingdom is expanded.  It is critical that we identify and recruit Lutheran School administrators to provide leadership for schools where teachers integrate theology in their teaching, model the Christian life, apply Law and Gospel to disciple students and assist them in their faith development to attain the fullness of the promise of life in Christ.

The need for well-trained leaders for our Lutheran schools is already great and increasing. To address the critical shortage of school administrators, the School Leadership Development Program (SLED) has been redesigned to better equip educators with the tools needed to lead Lutheran schools in the 21st century. God’s children are well served and His kingdom is expanded with the help of knowledgeable educators. These grant funds will provide training to equip 30 qualified candidates for placement as administrators in LCMS schools who will directly impact thousands of students, helping them grow as disciples of Christ. 

Resources for Grant #16

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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LWML Resources