
Featured Mission Grant Resources

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December 2019

God’s Word Changes Everything

2019–2021 Mission Grant 5 — $95,000

Using Scripture

Martin Luther wrote, “I wish that this book alone, in all languages, would live in the hands, eyes, ears, and hearts of all people.” When people have God’s Word, it changes their lives in ways they couldn’t imagine. Lutheran Bible Translators is training people from churches in Ethiopia and Tanzania to translate the Bible into their own languages as a part of seminary training. This will be four-year project with 15 trainees working each year. The funds will be used to equip pastors and lay leaders in the translation of God’s Word in the numerous local dialects for the benefit of their Tanzanian and Ethiopian people in their everyday worship.

Resources for Grant #5

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November 2019

God's Grace for This Generation

2019–2021 Mission Grant 4 — $100,000

nullShamattwa winter visit using How to Pray booklet

LAMP Ministry Inc. has ministered for nearly 50 years in northern Canada where many villages are reachable only by aircraft or seasonal roads. Currently, nearly one million Indigenous people live in these isolated areas with about half of them under the age of 14. The most alarming statistic is that over 15 percent of children and youth will actually take their own lives out of despair and hopelessness. When LAMP goes into these communities with VBS, Bible studies, and personal witnessing, these communities will have access to Christian education for faith in Christ. In order to fulfill their mission of sharing the gospel in the next few years, LAMP will need to expand their staff of full-time missionary pilots to four or five. LAMP will need to recruit and train 100 to 200 more volunteer missionaries committed to serve at least five years. This grant will provide the funds to help LAMP reach their goal. 

Resources for Grant #4

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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October 2019

Mission Outreach for At-Risk Young Women in Africa

2019–2021 Mission Grant 3 — $100,000

nullGirls and young women, helped through Lutheran Hour Ministries—Cameroon, are taught a simple vocation like sewing and cloth-making, and learn about God's saving Word.

Through its ministry centers, Lutheran Hour Ministries is offering programs that are a powerful force to physically and spiritually change the lives of young women to disrupt the cycle of poverty and prostitution by teaching income producing trades for economic independence and success, sharing the Gospel, and connecting them with the church. The purpose of this grant is to identify young women in prisons after they have been arrested for prostitution or small crimes and provide rehabilitation through counseling sessions and voluntary Bible studies for those young women expressing a desire to reform and connecting them with the church.

Resources for Grant #3

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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September 2019

Teach Me Too – Preschoolers with Learning Needs in Austin

2019–2021 Mission Grant 2 — $100,000

nullJ is playing a large drum during music time. He is learning to share the drum with a peer and teacher while incorporating both of his hands to promote his coordination skills. 

Lutheran Special Education Ministries (LSEM) has seen a growing desire for early intervention support of children with learning needs. In 1976 LSEM began serving children with special learning needs in the Detroit area and has since expanded programs and services to include a presence in Lutheran schools nationwide. Their pilot program is Let It Shine Academy at Bethany Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas. The Teach Me Too program was designed to administer intervention strategies, address the unique needs of children with autism spectrum disorder and other unique needs such as hyperactivity issues, decreased or delayed social skills, developmental or speech delays, sensory integration difficulties, or other learning differences. As a resource for families, this program provides assessments, consultations, and materials to help children on an individual basis. This grant would help fund Teach Me Too, expand the Let It Shine Academy, provide teacher training, and offer scholarship funding for children whose families cannot afford the cost of the Let It Shine Program.   

Resources for Grant #2

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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August 2019

Water and the Word for Rural Schools in Kenya

2019–2021 Mission Grant 1 — $80,000

nullThis is what the water looks like, in a lot of cases, before it goes into the filter. Without the clean water system, the students would drink this water that was gathered from the local river.

In 2008, a man from Nebraska traveling in East Africa saw the need for clean water and sought a way to help. Through contact with a social worker and educator in Nakuru, Kenya, he devised a system of installing water harvesting equipment (rain gutters and tanks), filters, hand washing stations and clean water storage to be installed in schools in Kenya. In 2016, members of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod from Nebraska took over the management of the project. They visit Kenya every year, traveling to schools assessing their water needs. Teams from the United States install rain gutters and tanks for storage. Hand washing stations and clean water “buckets’ are placed in every classroom. They teach personal hygiene, handwashing and the importance of drinking only clean water. WASH clubs, made up of students and staff, are formed to be responsible for the clean water program. The grant will help the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya (ELCK) to extend their ministry of Word and Sacrament by expanding the clean water project for their schools and orphanages.  

Resources for Grant #1

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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LWML Resources