
Featured Mission Grant Resources

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March 2022 Featured Mission Grant Resources

Light of Christ in Eastern Europe

2021–2023 Mission Grant 8 — $56,000

group of teens with missionaryMissionary Ben Helge, right, leads an English Talk Group as part of his ministry in the Czech Republic. This group meets every Wednesday evening to practice English and to hear the Gospel. The group is open to any high school student, and God continues to send new members to the group, who need to hear the Good News. ETG, as it's often referred to by the students, connects unbelievers to the church plant in Haví?ov-Šumbark.

For decades, Christians in Germany and Czech Republic had to hide their faith. Churches that stood for centuries were closed and generations lived with no knowledge of the Christian faith. The Lutheran Church is striving to meet the urgent need to bring the love and light of Christ to people who have been living in spiritual darkness. Recently, immigrants and refugees from the Middle East have settled in Europe, many in Germany. Our missionaries are meeting the additional challenge of reaching out to those of the Muslim faith with the message of the Triune God. Thousands of immigrants, and German and Czech citizens of all ages, need to hear the Gospel. This grant will help in the support of eight missionaries working in Germany and the Czech Republic.

Resources for Grant #8

Large Print Resources for Grant #8

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February 2022 Featured Mission Grant Resources

Training Pastors to Serve the Church in Russia

2021–2023 Mission Grant 7 — $100,000

Russian teacher in classroomThe interaction between student and teacher is a critical part of the pastoral training program at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk, Siberia. The seminary has a first-class faculty and as a confessional Lutheran seminary, standards are high. Some faculty members have received their theological education, in part, at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, including the seminary rector himself, Rev. Dr. Alexey Streltsov. In describing the rigors of the education provided at the Novosibirsk seminary, Dr. Streltsov describes it as "neither lay discipleship training or short-term leadership preparation, but a serious effort that makes demands upon both teacher and student. After all, the Apostles themselves spent no fewer than three years in the 'seminary' of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Through the efforts of the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church and the pastoral training provided by the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk, Siberia, the Word and Sacraments are again making their way to the long-repressed Russian people. With this grant, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League will partner in training pastors and deaconesses and in helping the seminary continue its efforts to restore the Lutheran Church in Russia. The Novosibirsk seminary’s goal is to prepare workers to spread the true Word of God to the Russian people. This grant will fund some of the operational expenses of the seminary and allow it to continue providing a solid theological education to those seeking to serve as pastors and deaconesses within the Siberian Lutheran Church.

Resources for Grant #7

Large Print Resources for Grant #7

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January 2022 Featured Mission Grant Resources

Hope of Christ for Cancer Patients

2021–2023 Mission Grant 6 — $70,000

woman posing with care package itemsThe recipients of a care package receive so much joy from receiving the package. They know that a group of individuals who made the care package has just showed them unconditional love. By showing the unconditional love, it opens the door for Phil's Friends to share the Gospel message and God's Word.

As Christians, we are charged with sharing the message of the Gospel and the Word with all individuals. The mission of Phil’s Friends, an LCMS Recognized Service Organization, is to introduce and strengthen relationships with Christ by providing faith-based hope to those with cancer. The support includes a care package with practical, emotional, and spiritual items, including a Bible, a card sent monthly for 12 months, and a new program “Hope on Call,” in which Phil’s Friends’ trained volunteers meet virtually with the cancer patient to talk and pray. This grant would further fund Phil’s Friends Cancer Care Packages, Cards of Hope, and Hope on Call.

Resources for Grant #6

Large Print Resources for Grant #6

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December 2021 Featured Mission Grant Resources

Helping Hands for Lutheran Deaf Outreach

2021–2023 Mission Grant 5 — $50,000

adults signing with childThe photo is Deacon Ted Pulfer and his wife DCE Denise Pulfer sharing Jesus's love with Deaf children and their families. Lutheran Deaf Outreach regularly reach over 100 Deaf children each week with the Gospel!

Lutheran Deaf Outreach wants to help Deaf people have a saving relationship with Christ by training Deaf and Hearing people to share Jesus with Deaf people. They work through congregations to reach Deaf people and families in their community. There are over 500,000 Deaf people, plus their families, in the United States. The need is great to equip more Deaf leaders through Jesus Signs Training Workshops so they may effectively witness the saving message of Jesus Christ. This grant will assist in expanding training through the sharing of resources, by assisting pastors, and by instructing individuals to lead the workshops. It will also help with workshop expenses to expand training and provide resources throughout the United States.

Resources for Grant #5

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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November 2021 Featured Mission Grant Resources

Due to the number of grants this biennium, this month there are two grants featured!

Thirst to Learn: Bible Books for Africa’s Children

2021–2023 Mission Grant 3 — $100,000

kids with Bible story books in South SudanAmazingly, LHF is able to print catechism booklets for less than 50 cents each. Beautiful, full-color Bible storybooks can be produced for less than $3 per child. Just imagine how the Holy Spirit will use your gifts to share Jesus with tens of thousands of children — children who thirst to know the one true Savior!

Lutheran Heritage Foundation continues its work of translating, publishing, distributing, and introducing Lutheran materials throughout Africa where the population is more than 1.216 billion people. Sadly, over half those souls are still waiting to be introduced to the one true Savior, Jesus Christ. Islam has made huge inroads in the continent. But thanks be to God, Christian missionaries have been spreading the Light of the Gospel also. Economic and political conditions may force missionaries to leave a country, but the Lutheran books they leave behind stay — and teach — for generations. This grant will fund the printing and distribution of 129,500 engaging, colorful books which will introduce children to Jesus in their Lutheran schools, Sunday schools, and orphanages.

Resources for Grant #3

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

Making the Next Generation of Disciples for Life

2021–2023 Mission Grant 4 — $92,000

March for LifeYoung Lutherans confessing the faith at the national March for Life.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). The sanctity of life created by God, and the family as God designed it, has been under attack by pro-choice organizations who are expanding their movement to reach children of younger ages, to attack chastity and promote promiscuity, and to influence our children causing devaluation of life, marriage, and the family. The continued development of “Life” curricula is one of the most frequent requests by LCMS schools. With this grant, LCMS Life Ministry will build a set of developmentally appropriate resources and curriculum for early childhood, young children, and elementary-aged children and their families.

Resources for Grant #4

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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LWML Resources