
Featured Mission Grant Resources

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November 2023

A Healing Space for At-Risk Children

2023–2025 Mission Grant 2 β€” $100,000

man and girl sitting outside, high-fivingThe Ranch is called to give each child the chance to meet Jesus, learn about Him, and discover how His love, grace, and peace can help them find and become their best selves.

The Christ-centered, healing ministry of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch creates an eternal, lifegiving impact in the lives of children, age 10 to 18, who have faced unimaginable trauma. Due to childhood traumas of violence, abuse, neglect, and more, Ranch children experience debilitating emptiness and loneliness at the deepest of levels; levels that only Christ can heal.Β 

A gap in spiritual care on the Ranch’s Bismarck campus has been a chapel facility specifically designed to be a healing space for traumatized boys and girls. A construction date of Spring 2024 has been set to build a chapel to serve as a healing space to help them know and experience the mercy of Christ and His healing power. This grant will help meet the construction costs of the Chapel on the Bismarck campus and provide healing for at-risk children.

Resources for Grant #2

Large Print Resources for Grant #2

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October 2023

Orphan Grain Train Servant Center

2023–2025 Mission Grant 1 β€” $100,000

outside of buildingThis is the front entrance to the new Servant Center, looking west on 6th Street.

Orphan Grain Train (OGT) has carried out the mission of the Lord for thirty years by providing humanitarian service. They work through the church so the Gospel always accompanies their service. They have assisted orphans, carried out domestic disaster relief, gathered, sorted, packed, and distributed food, clothing, medical supplies, equipment, and educational materials for those experiencing poverty in the U.S. and internationally.Β 

The original facility in Norfolk, Nebraska, is outdated and lacking adequate space to carry out their expanding work. They need to build an additional facility to increase their mission capacity and increase the safety level for volunteers. With an increased work area, larger groups of volunteers can work on donations received and the output of mercy meals can double to 10,000,000 meals annually. This grant will help OGT complete their building project.

Resources for Grant #1

Large Print Resources for Grant #1

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May 2023

Christ-Centered Materials for Hmong Language School and Outreach

2021–2023 Mission Grant 28 β€” $70,208

Children standing smilingFresno Hmong Language School Spring 2019 Group Picture.

St. Paul Hmong Outreach Ministries in Merced, California, has been actively involved in outreach to Hmong communities in their native tongue for 15 years. In 2015 and 2018, Hmong language schools were founded. They are connected with host churches, St. Paul Lutheran in Merced and Redeemer Lutheran in Fresno, California. Through the schools and outreach at New Year’s festivals, the Gospel is being heard and families are being baptized and confirmed. Funds will be used to continue mission programs, develop new training modules, and support training implementation of Christ-centered educational materials in the Hmong language to be used in the schools, for festival outreach, and to share with other LCMS churches and districts.

Resources for Grant #28

Large Print Resources for Grant #28

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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April 2023

Expanding God’s Love in Uganda

2021–2023 Mission Grant 27 β€” $92,000

Children standing outside smilingChildren in Uganda: All 150 of the LCU congregations have many children. In a country where half of the population is under eighteen, it is very common for at least half of the congregation to be children. There is a strong need for teaching the faith to families throughout Uganda. Ugandans value education and want their children to know Jesus, and the parents want to be confident in correctly teaching their children about Jesus. Having Deaconesses dedicated to teaching Christian education would greatly assist the pastors, as well as preparing the next generation for service in the church. Their presence also helps the LCU become more well known in their communities as the mercy work is always connected to Christ through the LCU.

The Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU) is a steadily growing church body in eastern Africa, which has requested LCMS assistance to locally train deaconesses so they may assist the small number of Lutheran pastors throughout Uganda to teach the faith, provide spiritual care, and show mercy to the communities. Being able to provide local training will be a huge benefit to qualified women who would not be able to travel to Kenya for a two-year program, and to the church. This grant would allow for a land purchase attached to the established Lutheran Theological College Uganda, fencing, and a small dormitory for the women.

Resources for Grant #27

Large Print Resources for Grant #27

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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March 2023

Strengthening the Lutheran Mission to Kuna, Idaho

2021–2023 Mission Grant 26 β€” $100,000

People standing in front of chairs arranged in the library.Kuna Lutheran Mission in worship at Kuna High School Library.

Kuna, Idaho, is listed as the seventh most rapidly growing urban/suburban area in the United States and is located near Boise and Meridian, Idaho. A new church has been planted in Kuna and Friendship Celebration Lutheran Church, Boise, is its mother congregation. Kuna Lutheran is currently meeting for worship in the local high school cafeteria with up to 60 people in attendance. The congregation wants to build their own sanctuary and other facilities from which to conduct growing congregational activities, but they are first in need of a parcel of land. The grant funds will assist in the purchase. The mission of Kuna Lutheran is to celebrate God the Father’s love for us in creating us and giving His Son; connecting in faith with Jesus, our Savior; connecting with others in love and care; and communicating God’s love in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Resources for Grant #26

Large Print Resources for Grant #26

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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