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LWML Glossary

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.

Definition of LWML Terms

Non-voting members of boards or committees, such as pastoral counselors, parliamentarian, etc.

The document which establishes LWML’s legal status.

An LWML workshop for LWML leaders. The goals of the workshop are to develop leadership skills, present new programs and service projects, and to aid, inspire, and encourage leaders.

The period of two years between conventions.

The elected officers are voting members of the BOD; appointed officers and pastoral counselors attend as advisory members. The BOD transacts the business of the organization between conventions, conducts the routine business of LWML, and implements the program of work.

The rules by which an organization functions.

A delegate whose membership qualifications and eligibility to serve have been verified by her district president to vote at an LWML convention, or by her zone president for a district convention.

One of five LWML departments; it includes the Christian Life Committee and the Christian Resources Committee. The Vice President of Christian Life is the Department Coordinator.

A small sub-group within some LWML local groups which meets regularly to meet a specific need.

One of five LWML departments; it includes the Information Technology Committee, the Official Publication Staff, and the Graphics Team. The Vice President of Communication is the Department Coordinator.

A booklet that contains the convention program and reports of officers and committees.

A Vice President assigned by the Bylaws to a specific department to coordinate activities of committees in that department. She reports to the Board of Directors regarding the program of her department.

The LWML is divided into districts. Some districts encompass more than one state, others only a section of a state. (Two LWML Districts are non-geographic: the English District and the SELC District.)

The Editor-in-Chief and other editors of the official LWML publication.

An electronic version of the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, the official publication of the LWML. Available at
The address of the LWML Facebook page.

The twelve-month period at the end of which financial accounts are balanced. The LWML fiscal year is April 1 through March 31.

An official LWML ministry whose purpose is to help LWML women understand the benefits of remembering the Lord’s work through well-planned, prayerfully-considered lifetime charitable gifts and Christian estate plans.

One of five LWML departments; it includes the Gospel Outreach Committee and the Mission Grants Committee. The Vice President of Gospel Outreach is the Department Coordinator.

A document of information to assist leaders and members of the LWML, now available at

A group of women and their mentors who have completed the LWML H2H Sisters training program. They are led by the LWML Heart to Heart Sisters Committee which helps to identify, develop, support, and encourage women of diverse ethnic groups to serve the Lord through the LWML and their church.

LWML membership which is available to women who are members of an LCMS congregation with or without a group affiliated with the LWML.
The address of the LWML Instagram page.

The planning and working session of LWML committees and other personnel; usually held at least once a biennium.

A free, electronic mite-giving opportunity provided by the Lutheran Church Extension Fund for individuals and districts of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. (The acronym “LCMS” should be written without a hyphen or periods.)

An LWML group within a congregation, on a campus, in a resident home, a care facility, a neighborhood, condo complex, or in similar settings. (See also “Virtual Group, LWML.”)

Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, the official publication of the LWML, contains topical studies, inspirational and informative articles and features, and LWML news. May be referred to simply as LWQ or Quarterly. Also available as an electronic subscription. (See eQuarterly.)

One of two auxiliaries of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. [Lutheran Laymen’s League (Lutheran Hour Ministries) is also an LCMS auxiliary.] “Lutheran Women in Mission” may be used to describe the LWML, but its official, legal name is “Lutheran Women’s Missionary League” and is to be used in all official documents.

The acronym “LWML” is used when referring to the national Lutheran Women’s Missionary League organization; however, the word “national” is not placed before it. District LWML entities are referred to as “LWML district.”

LWML Office staff personnel are located in St. Louis, Missouri. The mailing address is 801 Seminary Place, Ste. L010, St. Louis, MO 63105. LWML materials may be ordered from the office by using the toll-free phone number, 800-252-LWML (5965) or by fax at 314-505-7506. The website address is; email address is

The address of the LWML website.

Traditionally, the first Sunday in October, set aside by LCMS to give recognition to the LWML; however, it may be observed on any Sunday in October. Promotional materials and a special worship service may be downloaded from the LWML website or ordered from the LWML Office.

The Marketing Team provides support through intentional programs, products, and services of the LWML. It seeks to engage LWML women in innovative ways to promote the LWML.

An appointed officer who develops and administers meeting service support for all LWML events as directed by the President.

A financial goal, adopted at each LWML convention and each LWML district convention, to fund mission grants and administrative expenses.

A portion of mite funds, designated by delegates to district and LWML conventions, that supports mission needs around the world.

A list of approved mission grant proposals not adopted for funding at an LWML convention. This list is distributed to district presidents and Gospel Outreach Vice Presidents or Chairmen for consideration as district grants.

A statement of purpose. The LWML mission statement is: As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

A small box designed to hold offerings to support the mission grants and the program of the LWML.

Monetary funds donated to the LWML to support the mission grants and the program of the LWML. The term “mites” comes from the biblical story of the widow’s mite, found in Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4. Mites are gathered regularly and prayerfully.

One of five LWML departments; it includes the Church Workers in Mission Committee, Group and Leader Development Committee, and the Structure Committee. The Vice President of Organizational Resources is the Department Coordinator.

A woman who has served as an LWML District President.

A woman who has served as an LWML President.

An LCMS parish pastor serving in an advisory capacity to the LWML.

The address of the LWML Pinterest account.

A special worship service provided annually and available on the LWML website and from the LWML Office.

The Presidents Assembly is comprised of the LWML President and district presidents. The members of the Board of Directors serve in an advisory capacity. The PA promotes the activities of the LWML and approves business that goes in front of the convention body for vote. 

LWML organizational goals for each biennium. They may be found on the LWML website.

A document for LWML containing job descriptions and procedures for officers and other personnel.

An appointed officer who interacts with LCMS entities to inform them of the mission and ministry of the LWML and to develop partner relationships. She leads the process of disseminating information regarding the full scope of the LWML’s work through accurate and effective communication.

See Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly and eQuarterly.

A gathering of members in a zone, hosted by a unit or local group, for the purpose of spiritual growth, sharing objectives and programs of the LWML, and for fellowship, inspiration, encouragement, and training. A rally may be called by other names, such as “Spring Fling,” “Fall Festival,” or other creative and inviting titles.

A planned opportunity to withdraw from normal routines for fellowship, as well as spiritual and physical renewal. Retreats vary in length from a few hours to several days.

One of five LWML departments; it includes the Committee on Young Women, Heart to Heart Committee, and the Special Ministries Task Force. The Vice President of Special Focus Ministries is the Department Coordinator.

Rules related to the details of the administration of the organization rather than to parliamentary procedure. Standing Rules do not need approval from the Structure Committee or the voting delegates at LWML conventions.

An appointed officer who is responsible for focusing the LWML vision through the planning process.

The LWML supplement to The Official Stylebook of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and The Associated Press Stylebook. It includes exceptions and organization- specific additions and supersedes any with which they are in conflict. The styles are to be used in all LWML publications and communications. The LWML Style Guide may be found on the LWML website.
The address of the LWML Twitter account.

All groups within one congregation, campus, resident home, or other setting that are affiliated with the LWML.

A young woman chosen to attend an LWML convention as a non-voting guest. The intent is that the experience will strengthen her relationship with God, educate her about LWML, and motivate her to become an active participant and promoter of the LWML among her peers. Districts send YWRs to LWML conventions. Some LWML districts host a similar program within their district.
The address of the LWML YouTube account.

An LWML group that conducts its regular meetings over the Internet.

Members of an LWML group who have voting privileges at LWML meetings or conventions, as defined by that group’s bylaws.

Several local LWML groups that are grouped together in the same general geographic area within an LWML district. Zones may or may not cover the same geographical area as do LCMS circuits.

View printable PDF of this article, LWML Glossary

Mite Box Resources

Below are various Mite Box resources.



Bible Studies


Mite Boxes

  • Mite Label Wraps for Adults & Children — These free colorful downloadable labels can be attached to a small Pringles™ potato chip or similar container and used in the cup holder of your vehicle and other places as one more way to collect mites for missions.
  • Order Mite Box resources — including Individual Mite Boxes, Children's Mite Boxes, and Medium Mite Boxes

Mission Grant Resources

Program Planning

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


At each level of LWML, program planners should follow these guidelines:

  1. Schedule the event well in advance, at least one year ahead. This helps everyone, including the group who will host, the officers, the speaker(s), the pastoral counselor, and the publicity chairman to make their plans.
  2. Include pertinent information in the speaker’s letter of invitation:
    • date, time, and place;
    • theme of the event;
    • approximate hour when the person is expected to speak;
    • amount of time allotted;
    • other guest speakers and the topic of their talk (if applicable);
    • ask about an honorarium (or, if guidelines are specific about fees, state that fact);
    • amount allowed for mileage and meal expenses; and
    • offer to cover overnight expenses (if guidelines allow this expense).
  3. In a letter following the speaker’s acceptance:
    • ask about properties needed;
    • include directions to the meeting place;
    • enclose a complimentary meal ticket;
    • request a photo (high resolution color digital often used) for publicity; and
    • request a short biography to help the person who will introduce the speaker.
  4. On the day of the event:
    • assign someone to meet the speaker at the door and look after his/her welfare;
    • begin introducing the speaker to various members;
    • provide a copy of the program to the speaker;
    • show the layout of the room where the program will take place; and
    • as much as possible, put the speaker at ease.
  5. After the presentation:
    • be aware of time limits the speaker may have;
    • arrange to have the check for the speaker’s honorarium (and possibly any reimbursements that have been agreed upon) in an envelope ready to hand to the speaker away from the crowd; and
    • follow up with a letter of appreciation the next day.
  6. For more detailed information on planning a program, go to the LWML website


A good place to look for program ideas is the LWML website or the LWML Catalog:

  • Bible studies;
  • devotions;
  • leader training material;
  • servant event ideas;
  • mission service opportunities;
  • videos/DVDs;
  • sketches; and
  • retreat programs with various themes.

Browse Program Helps (including devotions, Bible studies, litanies, retreats, workshops, sketches, and crafts) by type

View printable PDF of this article, Program Planning

Meeting Minutes Helps

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


The secretary is the keeper of the records. Minutes are permanent legal documents and must be an accurate record of what occurred and the decisions that were made at meetings. Minutes should be comprehensive, yet as brief as is consistent with accuracy. Minutes of various organizations may differ in their details, but should contain the following facts:

  1. Basic meeting information:
    • the kind of meeting — regular, special, adjourned;
    • the name of the organization;
    • the date and time of the meeting, and the place, if it isn’t always the same;
    • a notation of the presence of the regular presiding officer and the secretary, or the names of their substitutes; and
    • action taken on the minutes of the previous meeting, approved as read (or distributed), or as corrected.
  2. The body of the minutes contains (separate paragraph for each subject):
    • reports of officers, board or executive committee, standing committees, and special committees and actions taken.
    • motions:
      • final wording of all main motions (with any amendments incorporated) and any motion to reconsider; also whether each was adopted or temporarily disposed of (generally motions withdrawn are not recorded);
      • all notices of motions;
      • all points of order and appeals, noting whether sustained or lost, and giving the chair’s reasons for the ruling;
      • the name of the maker of important motions, but not of the person seconding (for motions of little importance, names of persons making the motions are not necessary); and
    • announcements.
  3. Conclusion:
    • the hour of adjournment;
    • signature and title of the person writing the minutes (the words “Respectfully Submitted” are no longer used before the signature); and
    • the signature of the president, if the organization prefers both signatures.


  • Minutes should include what was done by the assembly, not what was said by the members. Personal opinions and details of debate or discussion are not included.
  • When a count has been ordered or a ballot vote taken, the number of votes on each side should be recorded unless a motion is adopted dispensing with this requirement.
  • The names of those elected or appointed to committees should be listed.

View printable PDF of this article, Meeting Minutes Helps

Parliamentary Procedures and Terms

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


  1. “The meeting will come to order” (one tap of the gavel). (The president stands to say this so that members will become quiet and attentive.)
  2.                                 will lead us in opening devotions (or Bible study).”
  3. “Thank you,                   . The secretary will call the roll” (optional).
  4. “The secretary will read the minutes of the previous meeting.” (Often copies of the minutes are sent to members ahead of the meeting. If this is done, minutes need not be read, but corrections must be called for.)
    • “Are there corrections to the minutes?” (pause)
      “If not, they stand approved as read (or as distributed).”
      (If there are corrections to the minutes, the chairman repeats the corrections for the secretary and for the assembly to hear, in case there might be an objection to the correction); then the chair continues
    • “Are there any further corrections to the minutes? If not, they stand approved as corrected.” [Under her signature, the secretary adds “Approved (or approved as corrected) and the date.”]
  5. “The treasurer will now read the financial (or treasurer’s) report.”
    • “Are there any questions for the treasurer?” (Any questions are answered.)
    • “The treasurer’s report will be placed on file (or will be filed).” (The chair does not say, “Will be filed for audit” because it is the books that are audited, not the reports.)
  6. “The next item of business is officers’ reports, followed by the reports from standing committees.” (Officers and committee chairmen usually report in the order they are listed in the bylaws.)
  7. “The next item of business is the reports of special committees.”
  8. “The next item is special orders.” (Special orders can be matters required by the bylaws to be considered at a particular meetings, such as nominations, elections, and/or reporting of the audit/review committee. To begin consideration of special orders, the chair asks the secretary to read the provision in the bylaws describing the order.)
  9. “The next item listed on the agenda is unfinished business.” (“Unfinished” business is the correct term; it’s never called “old” business. The chair does not ask if there is unfinished business, but rather just brings before the group subjects discussed but not resolved in the previous meeting.)
  10. The chairman then introduces new items of business, having been apprised of any new business before the meeting. She also may ask, “Is there any new business?”
  11. The chair makes any announcements she has prepared and invites members for others. (If desired, before announcements are given, an “open forum” could be introduced where members offer informal observations on the work of the organization.)
  12. Present the program. (Some groups host the program before the meeting, which encourages guests to attend and be uplifted and informed by the speaker or presentation. Then a few minutes are usually scheduled between the end of the program and the beginning of the meeting to allow time for guests to leave if they wish. However, if the program occurs after the meeting, adjournment is usually delayed until the program is finished in the event the program prompts a desire on the part of the assembly to take action.)
  13. The chair states: “If there is no objection, the meeting will adjourn.” (pause)
    • “Since there is no objection, the meeting is adjourned”; or
    • “Is there any further business?” (pause)

      Since there is no further business, the meeting is adjourned (one tap of gavel).
  1. Closing prayer/hymn (led by someone appointed ahead of time.)


Agenda — outline of business to be covered at a meeting.

Assembly — refers to the members of an organization who have gathered together for the purpose of a meeting.

Ex Officio — by virtue of the office. A president is a member of all committees except the Nominating Committee by virtue of the office held.

Meeting — gathering of persons of an organization usually for the purpose of conducting business.

Minutes — the official records of the proceedings of a deliberative assembly. The secretary records what is done (not what is said) in the meeting.

Motion — formal proposal that the assembly take certain action.

  • Main Motion — introduces a new subject to the assembly when no business is pending.
  • Secondary Motion — is used when a main motion is pending and then takes precedence for the time being over the main motion. There are three (3) classes of secondary motions:
    • Subsidiary Motions — those that can be applied to other motions to aid in perfecting or disposing of the main motion (to postpone, to amend, to commit).
    • Privileged Motions — apply to the immediate needs of the assembly, do not relate to the pending business and may interrupt consideration of other questions (to raise a question of privilege).
    • Incidental Motions — rise out of the pending motion, rather than the business itself, usually must be decided immediately (point of order, division of a question).

Parliamentary Law — consistent set of rules that govern the procedure of all deliberative assemblies.

Pending — refers to business before the assembly. The question is said to be pending from the time it is stated by the chair until it is disposed of. The immediately-pending question is the last question stated by the chair.

Pro tem — for the time being.

Question — motion made by a member, seconded by another, and then stated by the chair after which it is the business of the assembly.

Quorum — refers to number of members who must be present in order to transact business legally.

Resolution — main motion, usually of such importance and length that it is written and distributed ahead of time. It may contain a preamble that sets forth the reason for the resolution.

Rules — the laws governing the transaction of business, the structure of the organization, and its purposes. The various kinds of rules of an organization include the following:

  • Articles of Incorporation — the organization’s legal instrument.
  • Bylaws— the basic rules of the group, so important that they cannot be easily changed or suspended.
  • Rules of Order — written rules of parliamentary procedure widely accepted by ordinary LWML groups. (LWML has adopted the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised as its parliamentary authority.)
  • Standing Rules — rules related to details of administration that can be adopted or changed as easily as an ordinary motion.

Session — series of meetings. A convention is usually a session with a series of meetings.

Special Orders — usually matters that are required by the bylaws to be considered at a particular meeting, such as nominations, elections, report of the auditing committee, etc.

Unfinished Business — business that is carried over from the previous meeting. Unfinished business is never referred to as “old business.”

Voting Terms:

  • Aye and No — voice votes and the type of vote most often used in deliberative assemblies. In LWML a show of hands is called for also.
  • Division of the Assembly — always means a standing vote. “Division!” may be called out without obtaining the floor when there is any doubt about the result of a voice vote that has just been taken. The vote does not have to be counted, but the chair may direct that this be done.
  • Majority Vote — a vote count amounting to more than half of the votes cast.
  • Plurality Vote — the largest number of votes given one candidate when three or more choices are available. It is used in elections where there are several names or items to be chosen, such as grant proposals or the nominating committee. To decide an election of one person by plurality vote is not in the best interests of a group.
  • Rising Vote – a vote where the members of the assembly stand to have their vote counted.
  • Two-Thirds Vote — two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast. For the motion to pass, the affirmative vote must be at least twice as large as the negative vote. A two-thirds vote should be taken by a rising vote. (Don’t combine terms by saying “two-thirds majority” It confuses the issue.)

Yield — give way to. A pending motion may yield to one of higher rank.


Motion — a formal proposal by a member in a meeting that the assembly take certain action. The purpose is to bring business before an assembly.
Second — ensures that more than one person wishes the matter brought to the floor.

  • The requirement of a second or “support” prevents an assembly having to spend time disposing of a matter that only one person wants to discuss.
  • It therefore follows that a motion made by direction of a board or duly appointed committee needs no second since its very source indicates that more than one person favors discussion of this business.

Three steps in bringing a motion to the floor:

  1. A member makes the motion.
  2. Another member seconds the motion.
  3. The chair states the question of the motion (places it before the assembly) and it is then open to debate.
    • Until the chair states the question, the maker has the right to modify it or to withdraw it completely.
    • However, once a motion has been made (seconded or not) and before the chair has stated the question, any member can rise, and without recognition, say “Madam President, I would like to ask the maker of the motion if she will accept the following modification…”
      • The maker can accept, not accept, or offer different wording.
      • If the maker modifies a question before it is stated, the person who has seconded it may withdraw the second.
      • If another member’s suggested change is accepted (either before or after it has been seconded) the person suggesting the change has, in effect, seconded the modified version and no other second is necessary.

After the chair states the question, three other steps follow:

  1. Members debate the question with the maker of the motion speaking first, if she wishes.
    • Other speakers follow as recognized by the chair.
    • All remarks are addressed to the chair (not to other members) in a courteous and impersonal tone.
  1. The chair puts the question (puts it to a vote).
  2. The chair announces the result of the vote.

No motion is necessary to accept officers’ reports — they are for informational purposes.

  • If a recommendation arises from an officer’s report, a motion on the proposal should come from a member of the assembly and not the officer giving the report.
  • However, the chairman of a committee can make a motion on behalf of her committee and no second is needed before the president states the question.
  • A motion arising from the report of an officer, board, or committee is taken up immediately since the object of the order of business is to give priority to the classes of business in the order listed.

Motions are not necessary for accepting minutes and financial reports.

  • After the reading of the minutes, the president asks for corrections, then says, “If there are no corrections (or further corrections), the minutes stand approved as read (or as corrected).”
  • While questions may be asked of the financial officer, the financial report requires no action by the assembly.
  • However, if the financial report has been audited or reviewed (as at the end of the fiscal year), the chair (without motion or second) states the question on adopting the audit or financial review and the vote is taken immediately.
  • The reason for action on the audit or financial review is that its adoption has the effect of relieving the treasurer of responsibility for the period covered, except in the case of fraud.
(Authority: Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, current edition)



In a group of 30 or more, the president should stand:

  • To call the meeting to order (one tap of the gavel);
  • To declare the meeting adjourned; and
  • To state a motion, put it to a vote, and announce the result.

When a member offers a motion, the president:

  • states the motion word for word (never “You have heard the motion,” as some may not have heard); and
  • may courteously suggest a motion or the wording of a motion (to help a member who is having difficulty putting thoughts into words).

When a motion requiring a second is not seconded promptly, the president says: “Is there a second to the motion?” (Never “Do I hear a second?”)

When no second is offered, the President says: “There being no second, it is not before the assembly.” (Never “The motion is lost;” it is not lost, as there was no vote.)

Unless the assembly has ordered it, the president never closes debate herself.

When debate appears to have come to an end, the chair may ask: “Are you ready for the question?”

If no one asks for recognition, the chair then puts the question to a vote.

If discussion of a certain question seems to be getting repetitious, a member may “move the previous question (a motion to close debate). But the member must not interrupt another speaker and must be recognized by the chair.


The motion to close debate must be voted on immediately. If it receives a two-thirds affirmative vote, the chair then puts the pending question to a vote at once.

Although the affirmative vote may seem overwhelming, the chairman always asks for the negative vote on all motions requiring a vote. Even a small negative minority has the right to be part of the vote. (An exception is a courtesy resolution.)


Often the will of the assembly can be determined by general consent. The chair says, “If there is no objection, we will vote by general consent.” She then pauses to hear any objection. If no objections are heard, she announces: “Since there is no objection,” and then states what seems to be the group consensus. If there is objection, a motion must be offered and voted on.

When a two-thirds (2/3) vote is required for adoption of a motion, a rising vote is taken.

The president must always declare the result of every vote and state what the action will (or will not) be as a result of the vote.

The vote count is based not on the number eligible to vote, but on the number of members voting.


A person who abstains is giving up the vote and thus has no influence in the results.

Order of Precedence of Motions













Fix the Time to which to Adjourn.














Take a Recess.







Raise a Question of Privilege.







Call for the Orders of the Day.







Lay on the Table.







Previous Question.







Limit or Extend Limits of Debate.







Postpone to a Certain Time.







Commit or Refer.














Postpone Indefinitely.







A Main Motion.



  1. Debatable
  2. Usually privileged
  3. Not always privileged:
    1. privileged only when made while another question is pending, and in an assembly that has made not provision for another meeting on the same or the next day;
    2. loses its privileged character and its main motion if in any way qualified, or if its effect, if adopted, is to dissolve the assembly without any provision for it meeting again;
    3. privileged only when made while other business is pending;
  4. Can be amended; and
  5. Require a two-thirds (2/3) vote for their adoption; the others require only a majority.


  • The motion at the top takes precedence over all motions below it on the ladder.
  • Any other motion takes precedence over those below it.
  • A main motion is in order only when no other motion (above it) is pending.
  • Generally, on any given motion, motions above the motion are in order; and those listed below the given motion, which are not already pending, are out of order (except for “Amend” or “Previous Question”).


Adjourn — to close the meeting. Adoption of a motion to adjourn closes the meeting immediately unless the motion specifies a later time for adjourning (in which case it is not a privileged motion).

Amend — modifies the wording of a pending motion before a vote is taken on the pending question. Adoption of the amendment is not a vote to adopt the pending question. If the amendment is not adopted, the pending question stands as originally worded.

Call for Orders of the Day — a privileged motion requiring the assembly to conform to its agenda, program, or order of business, or to take up a general or special order that is due to come up at the time [unless two-thirds (2/3) of those voting wish not to].

Commit or Refer — sends a pending question to committee or task force for further study before being presented to the assembly again in a better format. (This motion can also be used to “go into a committee of the whole” or to “consider informally,” giving the assembly the privilege of discussing the issue more informally as a committee is permitted to do.)

Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn — to set the time, and sometimes the place, for another meeting to continue business before the assembly, with no effect on when the present meeting will adjourn.

Lay on the Table — permits the assembly to temporarily put aside pending business for good reason without specifying a time for taking up the matter again, but allowing for the topic to be reintroduced at the will of the majority. (Often improperly interchanged with Postpone Indefinitely or Postpone to a Certain Time.)

Limit or Extend Limits of Debate — a motion used to:

  1. reduce the number or length of speeches without specific provision for closing debate;
  2. specify that at a set time, or after a certain length of time, debate will be closed and the question put to a vote; or
  3. extend the length of time for debate, or increase the number of speeches permitted, under the regular rules.

Main Motion — introduces business to the assembly for possible action; can be brought to the floor only when no other question is pending.

Postpone Indefinitely — kills a main motion during the session in which it is adopted. It has the effect of relieving the assembly of making a decision on a poorly presented main motion that could have undesirable consequences if either adopted or rejected.

Postpone to a Certain Time — puts off action on a pending question until a specified day, meeting, hour, or after a certain event.

Previous Question — a motion to bring the assembly to an immediate vote on one or more pending questions.

Raise a Question of Privilege — a request concerning the rights and privileges of the assembly or its members, permitting immediate consideration because of its urgency, while business is pending. Examples affecting the assembly: Outside noise makes hearing difficult and a member asks that the meeting be paused while the windows are closed, or guests are present during discussion of a sensitive topic and a member suggests the assembly go into closed session to discuss the issue. Example of questions of personal privilege: a member feels that her position on a certain issue was misrepresented in minutes adopted in her absence, or that unfair charges have been lodged against her.

Recess — a break in the business meeting that does not adjourn the meeting. At end of the recess, business will be taken up at the point where it was interrupted.


  1. Even if the vote is unanimous, the bylaws cannot be amended or suspended at a meeting without previous notice (a protection for absent members), unless the bylaws, themselves, set forth a process for amendment without previous notice.
  2. It is courteous to inform the president prior to the meeting of a motion you will offer.
  3. The larger the meeting, the more important it is to avoid walking between the chair and the assembly. Walk to the back of the room and then cross to the other side.
  4. To get the attention of the chair (to obtain the floor), say “Madame President;” however, do not interrupt a member who is speaking unless it is an emergency.
  5. The maker of a motion has the right to speak first, but must wait until a second is called and the president has stated the motion.
  6. It is up to members to keep a meeting running smoothly. Pay close attention to the business at hand. Be alert to respond with a motion or second when in agreement.
  7. Even remarks outside the meeting should further the group’s objectives.
  8. Parliamentary law is built on fundamental rights of:
    • the majority;
    • the minority;
    • the individual; and
    • the absentee.

      Specific rights of members are stated in the bylaws. That is why “ownership” of the bylaws is in each member’s best interest.

View printable PDF of this article, Parliamentary Procedures and Terms

Meeting Basics

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.



In recent years a common plea is for “less meeting” and “more mission.” However, when meetings are necessary, members want time to be spent wisely — including time spent working for the Lord. Expectations are that a meeting will:

  • be well-planned, focused on the groups goals, and begin promptly;
  • begin with prayer and inspiring devotions based on God’s Word;
  • be led effectively so that business is transacted smoothly;
  • be stimulating, with worthwhile programs;
  • provide encouragement through unity and fellowship; and
  • adjourn at the time promised.


On this and the following pages are tools that are designed to help local LWML groups, zones, and districts conduct meetings effectively in the shortest time possible.


Generally, a schedule of meetings is written into the bylaws so that members know the date of the next meeting (monthly, quarterly, etc.) even though they may not attend regularly. The hour at which meetings are to be held should not be specified in the bylaws, but should be established by a standing rule.



Organizations should decide the minimum number of members who must be present at a meeting to legally transact business. This number is called a quorum. A quorum protects the group from unrepresentative action. The quorum should not be any larger than the number of members who could ordinarily be expected to attend. It should be written as a provision in the bylaws.


A meeting needs a person who will preside and a person who will keep a record of action. While the word "preside" may sound formal and forbidding, parliamentary language is practical and concise. The presiding officer can effectively use parliamentary phrases to move business along quickly, while giving each member a chance to express an opinion and smooth the process of group decision-making. The secretary, or recorder, will keep minutes of what is done (see LWML Handbook, Meeting Minutes Helps).



Bylaws should reflect the group's current thinking and present practice. If the bylaws have not been revised or amended for a year or two, they should be examined and steps taken to bring them up-to-date. It's a good idea for organizations to appoint a Structure Committee who will serve as a standing committee and carry out this function on a continuing basis.



In conducting meetings, the president strives to:

  • be fair and impartial;
  • be diplomatic;
  • give each member the opportunity to speak; and
  • maintain order and expedite business efficiently.

An LWML president (local group, zone, district, or national) should try to foster an atmosphere of Christian love, grace, tact, and thoughtful personal consideration to all in attendance.


  • Arrive early enough to check on arrangements for the room (tables, chairs, microphone, comfort level, lighting), allowing enough time to take care of the unexpected. (She may have delegated these responsibilities to someone else.)
  • Welcome guests with warm hospitality. (She will speak their names clearly or if they are unknown to her, ask someone else to introduce them to the assembly.)
  • Establish a quorum. It is the duty of the person who will preside to determine whether there is a quorum before calling the meeting to order. The presiding officer may wait until the required number of members arrives. If a quorum is not reached, the chair calls the meeting to order and declares the lack of a quorum.
    Then the chair has five options:
    • call for a motion to adjourn;
    • call for a motion to take measures to obtain a quorum;
    • call absent members;
    • call for a motion to continue the meeting at another time; or
    • motion to Fix the Time to which to Adjourn.
  • Open the meeting at the scheduled time (if a quorum is present), knowing that this is only being fair to those who have arrived on time. (Sound a note of joy from the opening tap of the gavel! Serving the Lord with gladness makes each meeting another opportunity for joyful service for all.)
  • Work from a prepared, written agenda, giving copies to the secretary, other officers, and possibly the members. (Knowing the order of business helps everyone to be alert to matters that will be discussed.)
  • Lead the assembly confidently as she moves through the agenda if she has at each meeting:
    • a copy of the group's bylaws;
    • Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (the parliamentary authority adopted by LWML);
    • the organization's handbook; and
    • a gavel.


I delight to see how orderly you are, and how firm your faith in Christ is (Colossians 2:5).

Place the date and location of the meeting on the agenda.

  1. Call to order
  2. Opening devotion and/or Bible study
  3. Roll call (optional)
  4. Reading of the minutes (if they have not been provided to the assembly before the meeting) and approval of the minutes
  5. Financial statement or report
  6. Reports of:
    • officers
    • boards
    • standing committees
  7. Reports of special committees
  8. Special orders (such as elections or business prescribed by the bylaws)
  9. Unfinished business and general orders
  10. New business
  11. Announcements (placed here or after the program)
  12. Program (if not presented before the meeting)
  13. Adjournment
  14. Closing prayer/hymn

Related Resources on the LWML Website

Parliamentary Basics for Everyone
President Guidelines
Secretary Guidelines
Structure Committee Guidelines: Enabling You to Build Better Bylaws

View printable PDF of this article, Meeting Basics

LWML Bylaws

A printable PDF can be found at the end of the article.




The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (hereinafter referred to as LWML) is composed of individual women and women’s groups within congregations of The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod (hereinafter referred to as LCMS), on campuses, in resident homes, or in other settings.

The LWML is organized into districts which are organized into zones which consist of individual women and women’s groups from LCMS congregations in their geographical areas. Districts and zones shall conform to LCMS district and circuit lines where possible.


Section 1

  1. A woman who is a communicant member of an LCMS congregation is eligible for membership as an individual or in a group.
  2. Women’s organizations within congregations of the LCMS, on campuses, in resident homes, or in other settings shall be eligible for membership as groups.
  3. One (1) or more groups affiliated with the LWML from the same congregation, campus, resident home, or other single setting shall be considered one (1) unit.
  4. Groups formed in a setting other than a congregation, a campus, or a resident home by women who hold membership in an LCMS congregation shall be eligible for membership upon acceptance by the respective LWML district.
  5. Individual membership is available to a woman in an LCMS congregation with or without a group affiliated with the LWML. Individual membership is not considered a group or a unit, nor does it confer voting privileges at the national level.
  6. Requests for recognition of membership shall be processed by the LWML district in which the individual or group resides.

Section 2

Application for membership as a district shall be made to the LWML Board of Directors for approval and is subject to ratification by the LWML Presidents Assembly.

Section 3

  1. Women’s organizations in a church body that is in a partner relationship* with the LCMS shall have partner status with the LWML upon fulfillment of the following:
    1. The women of the organization shall be members of a church in current partner relationship with the LCMS.
    2. Application shall be made to the LWML Board of Directors for approval and is subject to ratification by the LWML Presidents Assembly.
    3. The governing rules of the organization shall be in harmony with the object and the basic principles of the LWML, and a copy of these rules shall be submitted to the LWML Board of Directors for approval.

      * A partner church designates a church body that is (i) in confession with the LCMS and (ii) has achieved independent status.
  2. Representation at LWML conventions shall be at the discretion and the expense of the partner women’s organization and shall include the privilege of voice.


Section 1

Each district shall organize into zones its member groups within congregations of the LCMS, on campuses, in resident homes, and those formed in settings other than these. The zones shall:

  1. promote the object of the LWML: Mission Education, Mission Inspiration, and Mission Service;
  2. have their bylaw article on Name (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League _______ District_______ Zone) conform to the respective article in the district bylaws and in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the LWML;
  3. elect delegates for the purpose of representation at the biennial convention of the LWML.

Section 2

Each LWML district shall be under the guidance of its respective LCMS district(s).

Section 3

  1. Each district shall write its own bylaws.
  2. The articles on Name (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League _______ District), Object, Members, Representation (at national conventions), and Parliamentary Authority shall conform to the respective articles in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the LWML.
  3. When reference is made in district bylaws to national officers, personnel, committees, and programs, the correct official title shall be used.
  4. The bylaws and any subsequent proposed amendments shall be submitted as outlined in the Procedures Manual before being presented to the district LWML membership for adoption.

Section 4

The request for LWML representation at district conventions shall be made through the LWML President. Any member of the Board of Directors may serve as the representative.


Section 1

  1. A convention for the purpose of transacting the business of the LWML shall be held biennially in the odd-numbered years.
  2. Convention sites and dates shall be determined as outlined in the Procedures Manual.
  3. The official call to convention shall appear in the winter issue of the official publication prior to convention.

Section 2

The voting assembly of the convention shall be:

  1. one (1) certified delegate from each zone having ten (10) or fewer units and one (1) certified delegate for each additional ten (10) units or major fraction thereof,* as of January 1 preceding the convention;
  2. voting members of the Board of Directors;
  3. district presidents or their designated alternate;
  4. appointed officers;
  5. chairmen of departmental committees;
  6. past presidents of the LWML who are currently members of LWML.

* A major fraction of ten (10) is defined as six (6) or more.

Section 3

A member of the voting assembly shall vote in one (1) capacity only. Proxy votes are prohibited.

Section 4

  1. Each certified delegate shall have a certified alternate.
  2. The names of the delegates and the alternates shall be presented to their respective district president for certification.
  3. The names of the certified delegates and alternates shall be received by the LWML Recording Secretary prior to the convention.
  4. In the event neither the delegate nor the alternate is able to serve, a member of the same zone may serve as delegate upon certification in writing by her LWML district president and presentation to the LWML Recording Secretary.

Section 5

A majority of the registered voting assembly shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1

The elected officers shall be as follows:

• President
• Vice President of Christian Life
• Vice President of Communication
• Vice President of Gospel Outreach
• Vice President of Organizational Resources
• Vice President of Special Focus Ministries
• Recording Secretary
• Treasurer

Section 2

  1. The elected officers shall be elected by ballot at the convention to serve a term of four (4) years or until their successors are elected and shall not be eligible for reelection to the same office. Newly elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the convention in which they are elected.
  2. The election of officers shall be as follows:
    1. The President, the Vice President of Organizational Resources, the Vice President of Special Focus Ministries, and the Treasurer shall be elected in one convention.
    2. The Vice President of Christian Life, the Vice President of Communication, the Vice President of Gospel Outreach, and the Recording Secretary shall be elected in the following convention.
    3. A majority vote shall elect.
    4. In the event that there are three (3) or more candidates for office and a majority vote has not been reached after two (2) ballots have been cast, the candidate with the lowest number of votes shall be removed from each successive ballot.
  1. The retiring Treasurer shall, within sixty (60) days following the election, transfer to her successor all materials pertaining to the office. All other retiring officers shall, within thirty (30) days following the election, transfer to their successors all material pertaining to their offices.

Section 3

  1. In the event of incapacity or other situation creating a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President of Organizational Resources shall fill the temporary vacancy until the President is able to resume her duties or until the Presidents Assembly and Board of Directors meet to elect a new President (see Article VI, Section 5a).
  2. The Presidents Assembly, along with voting members of the Board of Directors, shall fill any permanent vacancy occurring in the office of President (see Article X, Section 4c).
    1. The election shall be by ballot vote.
    2. The candidates eligible to fill the vacancy shall be the Vice Presidents who are serving in the third or fourth year of their terms of office.
  3. If there is no regularly scheduled meeting of the Presidents Assembly within thirty (30) days of a permanent vacancy in the office of President, a special meeting shall be called by the Vice President of Organizational Resources within thirty (30) days of such vacancy for the express purpose of electing a new President.
  4. In the event a vacancy occurs in any other elective position, such vacancy shall be filled by the Board of Directors (see Article X Section 3q).

Section 4

Any officer may be removed from office prior to the expiration of her term of office by the Board of Directors by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all members of the Board; provided that the members of the Board (including the individual officer involved) shall be notified at least two (2) days prior to the Board meeting in the event any such action is contemplated and the individual officer involved shall be afforded the opportunity to be heard at such meeting.*

* Missouri law requires that this statement be included in the LWML Bylaws.


Section 1

The President shall:

  1. preside at conventions of the LWML and at all meetings of the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly;
  2. be responsible for appointing departmental committees, appointed officers, appointed personnel, and special committees, with the approval of the Board of Directors;
  3. be responsible for supervising the LWML Office;
  4. approve payments for legitimately incurred expenditures;
  5. be an ex officio member of all departments and committees except the Nominating Committee;
  6. be responsible for the execution of resolutions passed by the convention body, Board of Directors, and Presidents Assembly;
  7. provide a résumé of Board of Directors meetings to members of the Presidents Assembly, including cost and source of funding for new programs;
  8. report to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly;
  9. prepare a report for the convention, including activities of the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  10. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual.

Section 2

The Vice President of Christian Life may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President and shall:

  1. be coordinator of the Christian Life Department;
  2. report to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly;
  3. prepare a report for the convention, including department activities;
  4. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 3

The Vice President of Communication may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President and shall:

  1. be coordinator of the Communication Department;
  2. report to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly;
  3. prepare a report for the convention, including department activities;
  4. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 4

The Vice President of Gospel Outreach may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President and shall:

  1. be coordinator of the Gospel Outreach Department;
  2. receive mission grant proposals;
  3. chair the Mission Grants Selection Committee;
  4. present to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly for consideration and approval the proposals selected for the mission grants ballot;
  5. prepare the mission grants ballot for the convention;
  6. prepare an impartial presentation of the approved proposed grants for the convention;
  7. requisition and disburse mission grant funds and monitor the progress of each recipient until completion;
  8. report to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly, including a report on the progress of each adopted mission grant until its completion;
  9. prepare a report for the convention, including department activities;
  10. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 5

The Vice President of Organizational Resources may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President and shall:

  1. in the event of an emergency or unexpected vacancy in the office of the President, fill the temporary vacancy until an election is held by the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly (see Article V, Section 3a);
  2. be coordinator of the Organizational Resources Department;
  3. report to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly;
  4. prepare a report for the convention, including department activities;
  5. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 6

The Vice President of Special Focus Ministries may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President and shall:

  1. be coordinator of the Special Focus Ministries Department;
  2. report to the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  3. prepare a report for the convention, including department activities;
  4. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 7

The Recording Secretary shall:

  1. record the convention proceedings and meetings of the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  2. provide each member of the Board of Directors with a copy of the minutes of its meetings;
  3. provide each member of the Presidents Assembly with a copy of the minutes of its meetings;
  4. report to the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  5. receive credentials of certified delegates and alternates prior to the convention;
  6. compile the convention manual;
  7. provide a copy of the convention minutes to each member of the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly and to the LWML Office for distribution upon request;
  8. prepare a report for the convention;
  9. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 8

The Treasurer shall:

  1. chair the Finance and Operations Committee;
  2. review with the Finance and Operations Committee the proposed budgets of the organization;
  3. review with the Finance and Operations Committee the proposed convention budget as prepared by the Convention Manager;
  4. supervise convention finances;
  5. be authorized to sign checks in an emergency;
  6. report to the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  7. prepare a report for the convention;
  8. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.


Section 1

  1. A Nominating Committee of five (5) members shall be elected by ballot at each convention from a slate of nine (9) candidates from as many districts. A member is not eligible to serve consecutive terms. Plurality vote shall elect.
  2. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be the chairman.
  3. The chairman shall attend Presidents Assembly meetings at the request of the President.
  4. If a member of the Nominating Committee agrees to have her name submitted for an office under consideration, she shall resign from the Nominating Committee.
  5. A vacancy on the committee shall be filled by the candidate receiving the next highest number of votes.

Section 2

The Nominating Committee shall:

  1. submit the names of at least two (2) candidates, if possible, for each elective office to be filled;
  2. with the exception of Pastoral Counselors, select candidates who are members of the LWML and have served on an LWML district Board of Directors;
  3. select candidates for President who have served as a district president or a member of the LWML Board of Directors;
  4. submit nine (9) candidates for the Nominating Committee;
  5. submit two (2) candidates for Pastoral Counselor from the nominees selected by the Presidents Assembly (see Article XII, Section 2);
  6. obtain written consent of all nominees to serve if elected;
  7. submit report to be published in the official publication prior to convention;
  8. submit for publication in the convention manual a résumé of each nominee;
  9. prepare ballots with the names listed in alphabetical order for each office.

Section 3

  1. Suggestions for nominations for elective office shall be made by submitting completed nomination and consent forms to the chairman of the Nominating Committee by August 15 in the even-numbered years.
  1. Nominations for elected officers may be made from the floor of the convention provided written consent of the nominee has been secured and she meets the stipulated qualifications for office.

Section 4

The Nominating Committee shall present to the President names of qualified persons for appointment.


Section 1

The appointed officers shall be Meeting Manager, Strategic Plan Facilitator, and Public Relations Director, appointed by the President, and shall:

  1. be members of the LWML;
  2. serve a term of two (2) years or until their successors are appointed, and be eligible for reappointment;
  3. be advisory members of the Board of Directors;
  4. be voting members at the convention;
  5. be responsible to the President;
  6. report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  7. prepare a report for the convention;
  8. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 2

The Meeting Manager shall develop and administer meeting service support for all LWML events as directed by the President.

Section 3

The Strategic Plan Facilitator shall be responsible for focusing the LWML vision through the planning process.

Section 4

The Public Relations Director shall:

  1. interact with LCMS entities to inform them of the mission and ministry of the LWML and to develop partner relationships;
  2. interact with the church and the world-at-large to influence perceptions and attitudes toward Lutheran women in mission;
  3. be coordinator of convention publicity.


Section 1

The appointed personnel shall be Archivist-Historian, Convention Manager, and Parliamentarian, appointed by the President, and shall:

  1. be members of the LWML;
  2. serve a term of two (2) years or until their successors are appointed, and be eligible for reappointment;
  3. attend meetings as advisory members at the request of the President;
  4. be responsible to the President;
  5. report as directed by the President;
  6. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 2

The Archivist-Historian shall:

  1. write a history of the activities of the LWML for the biennium;
  2. gather and preserve records and other materials of historical significance to the LWML.

Section 3

The Convention Manager shall:

  1. serve as liaison between the Convention Programming Committee and Convention Host Committee;
  1. assist in the preparation of and review the convention budget.

Section 4

The Parliamentarian shall serve as adviser on parliamentary procedure upon request.

Section 5

There may be additional appointed personnel as deemed necessary to carry on the work of the LWML. The Board of Directors authorizing the appointed personnel shall determine the authority and responsibility of the appointed personnel.

Article X—Board of Directors

Section 1

The Board of Directors shall be composed of the elected officers. The Pastoral Counselors and the appointed officers shall be advisory members.

Section 2

  1. The Board of Directors shall meet annually and at the call of the President. The Board of Directors may take action by mail, by telephone, or electronic messaging.
  2. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by request of five (5) voting members of the board.
  3. Five (5) voting members shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors.

Section 3

The Board of Directors shall:

  1. transact business between LWML conventions;
  2. approve the budget of the LWML;
  3. evaluate, promote, and coordinate the activities of the LWML in relation to its object, initiating programs to meet the needs of the membership that includes strategy, goals, and measurable objectives;
  4. present to the Presidents Assembly for consideration and approval all programs/activities requiring financial support from the districts;
  5. along with the Presidents Assembly, fill any permanent vacancy occurring in the office of President;
  6. along with the Presidents Assembly, select a maximum of six (6) nominees for Pastoral Counselor from the list of possible nominees submitted by the Nominating Committee;
  7. approve and present to the Presidents Assembly for their consideration and approval proposed mission grants for the convention ballot as recommended by the Mission Grants Selection Committee;
  8. determine and present to the Presidents Assembly the proposed mission goal for convention;
  9. determine and present to the Presidents Assembly proposed convention offering recipients for approval;
  10. present to the Presidents Assembly proposed bylaw amendments for convention;
  11. approve convention site as outlined in the Procedures Manual;
  12. carry out the business of the LWML approved in convention;
  13. consider and approve changes that occur in mission grant plans after the recipients have been selected in convention;
  14. consider and approve changes that occur in plans of convention offering recipients;
  15. plan and supervise the program of the convention and approve the convention budget;
  16. approve appointed officers, committee members, and appointed personnel;
  17. fill vacancies occurring in elective office, except the office of LWML President;
  18. consider and approve the job descriptions of and employ the LWML Office staff;
  19. approve the amounts of bonds of those who are authorized to receive or disburse funds;
  20. approve financial institutions for deposit of funds;
  21. approve and implement the investment decisions of the LWML;
  22. approve and implement policies of the LWML;
  23. approve the Procedures Manual and any updates;
  24. determine the subscription rate of the official publication;
  25. arrange for insurance coverage for the benefit of the organization;
  26. receive and take appropriate action on applications for partner status from women’s organizations of church bodies that are in partnership with the LCMS.

Article XI—Presidents Assembly

Section 1

  1. The Presidents Assembly shall be composed of the LWML President and the district presidents. The other members of the Board of Directors shall be advisory members, attending at the request of the President.
  2. When a district president is unable to attend a Presidents Assembly meeting or a convention, any elected district officer from that district shall be substituted to attend as the district’s representative and shall have voice and vote. Notice of the substitute’s name and address shall be given to the LWML President.

Section 2

  1. Regular meetings of the Presidents Assembly shall be held annually.
  2. A preconvention meeting shall be held in the convention city.
  3. Special meetings of the Presidents Assembly may be called by request of nine (9) district presidents. Time and place for holding such meetings shall be determined by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.
  4. Action may be taken by mail, by telephone, or by electronic messaging.

Section 3

Representation consisting of district presidents from a majority of LWML districts shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4

The Presidents Assembly shall:

  1. evaluate, promote, and coordinate the activities of the LWML in relation to its object, initiating programs to meet the needs of the membership that includes strategy, goals, and measurable objectives;
  2. consider and approve programs/activities that require financial support from the districts;
  3. consider and approve proposed bylaw amendments before presentation to the convention;
  4. consider and approve the mission goal for presentation to the convention voting body for consideration and adoption;
  5. consider and approve proposed mission grants for the convention ballot;
  6. consider and approve recipients of convention offerings;
  7. along with the voting members of the Board of Directors, fill any permanent vacancy occurring in the office of President;
  8. along with the voting members of the Board of Directors, select a maximum of six (6) nominees for Pastoral Counselor from the list of possible nominees submitted by the Nominating Committee;
  9. consider and ratify the membership of new or reorganized LWML districts;
  10. approve partner status with women’s organizations of church bodies in partner relationship with the LCMS.


Section 1

The Pastoral Counselors shall be two (2) pastors of the LCMS who are serving in the parish ministry and have served as district pastoral counselors. They shall serve a term of four (4) years and be ineligible for reelection. One (1) counselor shall be elected at each convention. A newly elected counselor shall assume his duties at the close of the convention in which he is elected.

Section 2

The Nominating Committee shall:

  1. obtain nominations for pastoral counselors from LWML district presidents by October 31 in the odd-numbered years;
  2. submit names of these nominees to the LCMS President for review;
  3. submit names of approved nominees to the Presidents Assembly, who shall select six (6), if possible, by plurality vote;
  4. obtain the written consent of the nominees to serve if elected;
  5. select two (2) candidates from the six (6) selected nominees.

Section 3

Pastoral Counselors shall:

  1. serve the LWML in an advisory capacity;
  2. serve as spiritual leaders to the officers and members of LWML;
  3. prepare devotions and worship services as requested;
  4. serve as doctrinal advisers to committees as assigned by the President;
  5. attend LWML conventions and meetings of the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly as advisory members;
  6. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.


Section 1

Departmental committees shall be appointed to carry out the object of the LWML. The departments shall include Christian Life, Communication, Gospel Outreach, Organizational Resources, and Special Focus Ministries, with a Vice President serving as coordinator of each department. The coordinator shall be an ex officio member of the committees in the department. The purpose and duties of each committee shall be set forth in the Procedures Manual.

Section 2

Departmental committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 3

Departmental committee members shall serve a term of two (2) years or until their successors are appointed, and shall be eligible for one (1) reappointment. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors if special expertise is required.

Section 4

The President shall assign a Pastoral Counselor to each committee.

Section 5

Departmental committee chairmen shall have voice and vote at convention.

Section 6

  1. At least one (1) Interdepartmental Meeting shall be held during a biennium.
  2. Department meetings may be called by the coordinator. Approval of the President is required if meeting expenses may be incurred.
  3. Committee meetings may be called by the chairman. Approval of the President is required if meeting expenses may be incurred.


Section 1

The Special Committees shall be Finance and Operations and Mission Grants Selection.

Section 2

The Finance and Operations Committee, consisting of the Treasurer as chairman and three (3) or more additional members, with a Pastoral Counselor as adviser, shall:

  1. review and evaluate the financial practices of the organization;
  2. review and recommend the proposed organizational budgets;
  3. review and recommend the proposed convention budget as prepared by the Convention Manager;
  4. prepare job descriptions for the LWML Office staff for approval by the Board of Directors.

Section 3

The Mission Grants Selection Committee shall select the mission grant proposals, which will appear on the convention ballot subsequent to approval by the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly. This committee will consist of the Vice President of Gospel Outreach as chairman, at least two (2) committee members as outlined in the Procedures Manual, the two Pastoral Counselors, and the President.

Section 4

There may be additional committees as the Board of Directors, Presidents Assembly, or the convention deem necessary to carry on the work of the LWML. The assembly authorizing the committee shall determine the authority and responsibility of the committee.


Section 1

The official publication of the LWML shall be edited and produced by the Publications Committee.

Section 2

The purpose of the official publication shall be to:

  1. promote the object of the LWML;
  2. provide information about the programs and activities of the LWML;
  3. provide topics for study and discussion.

Section 3

The Publications Committee shall have editorial privileges.

Section 4

The subscription rate shall be determined by the Board of Directors.


The LWML Office staff shall be employed by the LWML and be responsible to the President. Job descriptions for the office staff shall be prepared by the Finance and Operations Committee for approval by the Board of Directors.


Section 1

  1. Mission grant proposals may be submitted by LWML members, groups, zones, districts, and LCMS Offices.
  2. Proposals for all mission grants shall be submitted to the Vice President of Gospel Outreach by September 1 in the even-numbered years.
  3. Proposals for all mission grants, except those submitted by LCMS Offices, shall:
  1. have the approval of the LWML President of the district in which the submitter resides;
  2. have the approval of the President of the LCMS district in which the proposed grant recipient is located and, for international grants, require the review of the LCMS Chief Mission Officer.

Section 2

  1. The Vice President of Gospel Outreach shall present the mission grant proposals to the President of the LCMS or his representative and to the LCMS Chief Mission Officer and executive directors of LCMS Offices for evaluation.
  1. After consultation with LCMS International Center staff, the Mission Grants Selection Committee shall select the mission grant proposals which will appear on the convention ballot subsequent to approval by the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly.

Section 3

  1. Funds voted for a mission grant must be disbursed or put into use within two (2) fiscal biennia—the biennium in which they were voted upon and the one following—or be reallocated. The convention may extend the time for one (1) biennium in case of extenuating circumstances.
  2. In the event that changes in mission grant plans occur after the recipients have been selected in convention, the Board of Directors shall be authorized to approve the amended grant or reallocate the funds.


Section 1

Miscellaneous resolutions and appeals by groups, zones, or districts, other than for mission grants, may be presented to a convention upon approval by the Board of Directors. Such resolutions shall be sent to the LWML President by January 1 of the convention year.

Section 2

Resolutions not received in the prescribed time may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, be presented to the convention for consideration.


Section 1

  1. Mite offerings shall be gathered using Mite Boxes or other means.
  2. Mite offerings shall be remitted to the designated district financial officer.
  3. The district financial officer shall remit twenty-five (25) percent or more of the mite offerings to the LWML at least quarterly for funding mission grants and administration of the LWML.
  4. The district shall retain seventy-five (75) percent or less of the mite offerings in its treasury for funding district mission grants and administration of the district LWML.

Section 2

Expenses of meetings of the Board of Directors, Presidents Assembly, and departments, and other routine administration expenses incurred in the management of the LWML shall be paid from the LWML treasury.

Section 3

  1. The financial records shall be kept in accordance with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) standards.
  1. An audit of the financial statements shall be conducted by a certified public accountant at the end of each biennium.


The fiscal biennium of the LWML shall be from July 1 to June 30 inclusive. The LWML shall adhere to these dates in closing its books.


In the event of any great emergency such as war, epidemic, disaster, or other prevailing conditions making the holding of a convention inadvisable, the Board of Directors shall have the authority to determine whether the convention shall or shall not be held; a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors shall decide, and vote may be taken by mail or electronic messaging. In the event the convention is not held, the Board of Directors shall have the authority to plan procedure for conducting the routine convention business.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the LWML in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the LWML Bylaws, applicable law, or Christian principles.


These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at the convention. The proposed amendments shall have been presented for approval to the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly and published in the official publication in an issue previous to the convention or in a mailing to the delegates postmarked no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the convention. By unanimous vote a proposed amendment may be presented to the convention without prior notice. A three-fourths (3⁄4) vote shall be required for adoption.

Adopted July 1999
Amended July 2001
Amended June 2007
Amended June 2009
Amended June 2011
Amended June 2013
Amended June 2015
Amended June 2017
Amended June 2019
Amended June 2021
Amended June 2023

Standing Rules

  1. Since the English and SELC Districts operate within structures different from other districts, it is permissible for the English and SELC Districts to continue with zone grants.
  2. The offering received at the convention Communion Service shall be designated as a contribution to the mission goal of the LWML.
  3. The LWML shall have a Procedures Manual that is maintained by the Vice President of Organizational Resources and reviewed each biennium. The Manual shall include guidelines and policies pertaining to the administration of the LWML through its officers and committees.
  4. The LWML shall hold its biennial convention on a rotation basis of four (4) geographical regions.
  5. If there is a tie vote for the last chosen grant at a convention, the tie shall be broken by the voting assembly of the convention.
  6. The LWML shall have a mission statement and related goals and objectives. These goals and objectives shall be frequently measured and evaluated.
  7. The meeting to remove any officer from office shall be a closed meeting (see Article V, Section 4).

View a printable PDF of this article, LWML Bylaws (updated June 2023)


Related Resources

LWML Procedures Manual

National Mission Grants

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.

A primary object of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to gather mite offerings for mission grants, including those directly sponsored or approved by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).


  • Mite offerings fund the grants.
  • Districts retain seventy-five (75) percent or less of the mite offerings received; twenty- five (25) percent or more is sent to the LWML.
  • Major portions of these funds are allocated for district and national mission grants.


  • The Mission Grants Selection Committee reviews and evaluates grant proposals before they are placed on the convention ballot, with recommendations from representatives of the LCMS.
  • LWML members, through their certified delegates to LWML conventions, choose the mission grants to be funded.


  • The grant is mission-focused and will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • There is a governing unit, such as a partner church, LCMS district, or Recognized Service Organization (RSO) to which the ministry project regularly reports.
  • The ministry has provided a financial statement or budget as part of the mission grant proposal.
  • The ministry will be able to implement the project when funds are disbursed within the biennium in which they were voted upon or the biennium following.
  • The ministry is ongoing in nature, with assurance of continuing after the grant monies have been expended. 
  • The ministry reflects the vision and mission priorities of the LCMS.   


Proposals may be submitted by LWML members, local groups, zones, districts, and LCMS offices, according to guidelines prepared by the Vice President of Gospel Outreach. Please check the LWML website, (“Missions” tab), for current updates and specific information on submitting proposals each biennium. Current procedures are generally posted in the Spring of even-numbered years. All proposals are to be submitted electronically in even-numbered years by the date specified in the LWML Mission Grant Guidelines.  General steps for submitting grant proposals can be found in the LWML Bylaws, Article XVII – Mission Grants.

Electronic Signature Approval of each grant proposal will be used in place of hard-copy signature forms.

For grants located within the United States: It is the grant submitter’s responsibility to advise their LWML District President and the LCMS District President in which the grant recipient is located, that an email requesting electronic signature approval will be sent within three business days following submission to the LWML Office. An alert email will be sent to the grant submitter and to the LWML Vice President of Gospel Outreach when these parties have signed the documents electronically.

For grants for a ministry or service agency outside of the submitter’s district (including a non-geographic RSO, for example) or a ministry, service agency, or mission project outside of the United States: The grant submitter should advise the LCMS Chief Mission Officer (CMO) that a mission grant needing LCMS review is being submitted. The CMO does not “approve” the grant but provides a recommendation to the LWML Mission Grants Selection Committee on behalf of the LCMS. The CMO will receive an email with the proposal attached within three business days following submission to the LWML Office.

It is imperative that grant proposal writers plan ahead before attempting to fill in the electronic forms on the website. Please check the LWML website for current, specific instructions, as the procedure may vary slightly from biennium to biennium.

For questions or additional information, please send an email to the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here.


View printable PDF of this article, National Mission Grants

To learn more about current mission grants, click here.

To view national mission grant history, click here.

National Structure

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


The structure of LWML and duties of its officers and committees are detailed in the LWML Bylaws section of the LWML Handbook.

  • The biennial convention, held in odd-numbered years, is the governing body of the organization. Voting delegates are the elected and appointed officers, district presidents, chairmen of standing committees, zone delegates, and past national presidents. Appointed personnel and Pastoral Counselors serve in an advisory capacity.
  • The Board of Directors transacts the business of the organization between conventions, conducts the routine business of LWML, and implements the program of work. The Board of Directors is composed of the elected officers (who have voting privileges) and the appointed officers and Pastoral Counselors (who serve in an advisory capacity).
  • The Presidents Assembly promotes the activities of the LWML and approves business that goes in front of the convention body for vote. The Presidents Assembly is comprised of the LWML President and district presidents. The members of the Board of Directors serve in an advisory capacity.
  • 2023–2025 LWML Organizational Chart


  • Women who are communicant members of an LCMS congregation are eligible for membership as an individual or in a group. Application for either type of membership is processed according to the requirements of the respective district.
  • The traditional unit of LWML membership is one or more groups within a congregation of the LCMS. However, women who hold membership in an LCMS congregation may form a group in a setting other than a congregation such as a campus or resident home upon acceptance by the respective district (see LWML Bylaws, Article II, Section 1).
  • Individual membership is available to a woman in an LCMS congregation with or without a group affiliated with the LWML (see LWML Bylaws, Article II, Section 1 e).
  • LWML groups are members of zones with geographic boundaries corresponding to district circuits as much as possible. Zones form the LWML district which correspond to the LCMS districts as much as possible.


  • Officers, elected in alternate conventions to serve a term of four (4) years, are President, five Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.
  • Two Pastoral Counselors are elected in alternate conventions to serve a term of four (4) years.
  • Appointed officers, appointed by the President to serve a term of two (2) years and eligible for reappointment, are Meeting Manager, Public Relations Director, and Strategic Plan Facilitator.
  • Appointed personnel are the Archivist-Historian, Convention Chairman, Convention Manager, and Parliamentarian, appointed by the President for a term of two (2) years and eligible for reappointment.

Departments and Committees

Christian Life Department

  • Christian Life Committee
    • Equip women with Christ-focused resources to encourage and grow their faith through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Christian Resources Editors Committee
    • Review and update current resources.
    • Solicit and equip authors to produce additional resources.
    • Produce a two-year meeting guide that provides programming ideas and promotes growth in faith and relationships with sisters in Christ.

Communication Department

  • Information Technology Committee
    • Encourage the use of the website and social media platforms as resources for being in mission, service, and fellowship with other women.
    • Review regularly the website and social media for effectiveness. 
    • Promote LWML presence and branding in social media.
    • Provide resources and suggestions for technical support and education.
  • Official Publication Staff
    • Produce the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly to:
      • Be a dynamic witness tool for all women.
      • Connect women with the mission of LWML.
      • Provide relevant and timely topics for study and discussion.
      • Inform women of LWML news at home and throughout the world.
  • Graphics Team
    • Provide graphic design support for the work of the LWML.
    • Promote the creative and professional look of the LWML.

Gospel Outreach Department

  • Gospel Outreach Committee
    • Encourage women to be grounded in God’s Word.
    • Inspire women to share their faith in Jesus Christ, their Savior, through acts of love and service.
    • Provide ideas and resources that assist women to glorify God by serving others.
    • Provide Gifts from the Heart ingathering opportunities at national meetings and convention.
  • Mission Grants Committee
    • Review and select mission grant proposals for the Mission Grants ballot.
    • Provide resources that inspire and motivate women to support mission grant recipients through prayer and encouragement.
    • Update LWML Mission Grants Resume and Mission Grant History to include the mission grants selected in previous biennium.

Organizational Resources Department

  • Church Workers in Mission Committee
    • Encourage LWML women to build relationships with pastors and church workers so we may partner together to spread the Gospel.
    • Provide resources to LWML members so that they can support pastors and church workers in their congregations.
    • Provide information on new LCMS rostered workers to districts so that LWML members can welcome them, make them aware of the mission of the LWML, and provide them with LWML resources that can assist them in their ministry. 
  • Group and Leader Development Committee 
    • Encourage participation in LWML events and activities that spread awareness of LWML missions and service.
    • Direct local groups, zones, and districts to resources that connect women with the mission and ministry of the LWML in order to further its reach.
    • Direct present and future leaders to resources as they discover their unique God-given gifts and so participate in a meaningful and encouraging servant leadership role.
    • Offer resources to present and future leaders to discover and develop their unique God-given gifts and therefore participate in a meaningful and encouraging servant leadership role.
  • Structure Committee
    • Keep the LWML Bylaws and related resources flexible while maintaining the legal status of the organization.
    • Review district bylaws and proposed amendments.
    • Be a resource to help districts, zones, and groups have effective structure and procedures which allow them to serve the Lord with gladness.

Special Focus Ministries Department

  • Committee on Young Women
    • Guide LWML leaders with resources to make connections with young women.
    • Produce and facilitate the Young Woman Representatives (YWR) program for the LWML Convention.
    • Empower and mentor younger women to connect and grow in relationships as sisters in Christ.
    • Equip and encourage young women to become more involved in their congregation and the mission of the LWML.
  • Heart to Heart Committee
    • Motivate, equip, and ensure opportunities for women to serve others, participate in LWML, and grow in relationships as sisters in Christ.
    • Develop and facilitate the Heart to Heart program.
  • Special Ministries Task Force
    • Oversee and update the LWML webpages specific to deaf and hard of hearing, blind and visually challenged, and intellectually and developmentally challenged. 
    • Connect the LWML Districts with the resources available through LCMS RSOs working in the areas of deaf and hard of hearing, blind and visually challenged, and intellectually and developmentally challenged ministries.
    • Connect the deaf and hard of hearing, blind and visually challenged, and intellectually and developmentally challenged individuals with accessible LWML resources.
    • Encourage LWML Districts to appoint a Special Ministry Advocate to inform the women of different opportunities for service and fellowship with deaf and hard of hearing, blind and visually challenged, and intellectually and developmentally challenged people.
    • Communicate with district advocates providing encouragement to help LWML groups welcome all women into their fellowship.

Personnel not in a Department

  • Archivist-Historian
    • writes history of LWML activities; and
    • gathers, receives, and preserves records and historical materials of the LWML.
  • Business Manager
    • oversees the business operations of the organization, including the LWML Office.
  • Convention Chairman
    • leads the convention Host Committee to supply on-site assistance.
  • Convention Coordinators
    • assist the convention manager by focusing on specific aspects of convention.
  • Convention Manager
    • serves as liaison between the Convention Programming Committee and Convention Host Committee; and
    • reports to the Board of Directors as requested by the President.
  • Marketing Team
    • provides support through intentional promotion of the programs, products, and services of the LWML.
  • Meeting Manager
    • develops and administers meeting service support for all LWML events as directed by the President; and
    • seeks out and arranges for quality services to meet the personal and meeting needs of the LWML.
  • Nominating Committee
    • seeks out qualified, gifted members to be candidates for elected positions; and
    • submits names of at least two (2) candidates, if possible, for each office to be filled at national LWML conventions.
  • Parliamentarian
    • advises regarding parliamentary procedure to the president, officers, and members upon request; and
    • is an ex officio member of the Structure Committee.
  • Strategic Plan Facilitator
    • assists the organization to review the past, assess the present, and prepare for the future; and
    • focuses the vision of the organization through the use of a planning process.
  • Public Relations Director
    • informs LCMS entities of the mission and ministry of LWML;
    • interacts with the church and the world at large to influence perceptions and attitudes toward Lutheran Women in Mission; and
    • coordinates convention publicity.
  • Public Relations Committee
    • Create a consistent message and heighten the awareness of LWML and its mission.
    • Enhance our visibility to all women of the LCMS.

View the map of the LWML Districts here.

View printable PDF of this article, National Structure


Related Resources

LWML Procedures Manual

Resources for Districts

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.



Resources are available online (many as free downloads) or from the LWML Store. These and other resources are found in the secure area of the LWML website and available to the District President:

  • Bible studies and devotions;
  • Retreat programs and PowerPoint presentations;
  • Leader training materials;
  • Servant event suggestions and mission service opportunities;
  • Audio/video materials;
  • How to set up a new LWML group;
  • Process for making bylaws changes;
  • Sketches and skits;
  • Ethnic resources;
  • LWML Convention inviting procedure;
  • Personnel Directory (secure document.)
  • Order of Procession (Suggestion for order of processions during district conventions);
  • New LWML Group Report Form (Used by a district president to report a new group in the district);
  • District Convention Information Form (Used by a district president to supply the LWML President with all necessary information about a district convention);
  • District Convention Information Form for the LWML Representative (Used by a district president to provide information about a district convention to the convention’s LWML representative);
  • Statistical Report of District Mission Grants Form (Used by a district president to provide information about district mission grants);
  • Sample Welcome Letter (District presidents may use this form as a template for a welcome letter to new local groups or individual members);
  • Participant Acknowledgment and Release Form (Template to be used for district events);
  • Personnel Resource Profile Form (Used by all LWML members interested in serving on a national committee. Must be submitted to the LWML President)
  • Code of Ethics and Work Product Agreement (A statement of the LWML’s code of ethics for the Board of Directors, employees, and volunteer leaders);
  • Conflict of Interest & Confidentiality Agreement (A statement of the LWML’s conflict of interest policy);
  • LWML Group Disbandment Form (A form for district presidents to use when a group in their district disbands.)


View printable PDF of this article, Resources For Districts

Bylaws — Districts


Districts have different structures, and each district should draft bylaws that best describe its organization and method of transacting business. The person responsible for drafting the district bylaws should study the LWML Bylaws to determine the parameters set by the LWML and use the LWML Bylaws as a guideline. The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised may also be used as a source for general information regarding bylaws. If further help is needed, the bylaws chairman should contact the LWML Structure Committee Chairman for guidance. Her name and contact information can be found by contacting the LWML District President.

Articles and sections on name, object, members, representation at LWML conventions, and parliamentary authority must conform to LWML Bylaws. Also, when referencing LWML officers, committees, or programs in district bylaws, the correct nomenclature should be used. Likewise, when referring to dates and deadlines required by LWML, care should be taken that these references are correct.


Extensive amendments or revisions of bylaws should not be rushed. The district Structure Committee should expect major change approvals to take at least one year from starting the process until the changes are presented for approval to district convention delegates. The Committee, working with the district officers, should give members plenty of time to review the changes and involve the membership as much as possible. The following steps should be taken when making proposed changes to the bylaws:

  1. District Structure Committee drafts revisions or amendments.
  2. The Committee presents the proposed changes to members of the district EC and/or the district BOD for input and preliminary approval.
  3. The district Structure Committee Chairman sends one (1) copy (in Microsoft Word via email attachment) of proposed changes as approved by the district EC and/or BOD (including cover letter listing date by which response is needed) to the chairman of the LWML Structure Committee for review. (The Structure Committee Chairman’s address can be found by contacting the District President.) Allow at least three (3) months for the LWML Structure Committee members to complete their review and report before the district’s convention.
  4. The LWML Structure Committee members review changes:
    1. making sure that articles on Name (of LWML organization), Object, Members, Representation at LWML conventions, and Parliamentary Authority conform to the respective articles in the LWML Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws;
    2. checking that the proper names and titles of LWML officers, departments, committees, and programs are used when referenced in the district’s bylaws; and
    3. offering suggestions for changes to enhance the finished product.
  5. The LWML Structure Committee Chairman sends the Committee’s comments to the district Structure Committee’s Chairman and the District President.
  6. District Structure Committee makes necessary changes.
  7. District EC and/or BOD gives approval to the proposed bylaws changes.
  8. Delegates to district convention vote to adopt, not to adopt, or amend proposed bylaw changes (in their entirety or in part).
  9. District Structure Committee Chairman sends one (1) copy (in Microsoft Word via email attachment) of the adopted bylaw changes to the LWML Structure Committee Chairman as soon as the bylaws are ready for distribution. (If the convention does not approve the changes, the district Structure Committee Chairman sends a courtesy letter to the LWML Structure Committee Chairman apprising her of this fact.).

All district bylaws and amendments must be sent to the LWML Structure Committee at least three (3) months before the district’s convention date for approval before presentation to the voting assembly for adoption. Following is an outline of articles and sections that may be used as a guideline when drafting district bylaws. The articles and sections that must comply with LWML Bylaws are written in detail.



Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
<district name> District Bylaws
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

The name of this organization shall be Lutheran Women’s Missionary League <district name> District (hereinafter referred to as <short name>), a subordinate organization of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary league (hereinafter referred to as LWML), which is an integrated auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (hereinafter referred to as LCMS).

The object of this organization shall be:

  1. to develop and to maintain a greater mission consciousness among the women of the district through mission education, mission inspiration, and mission service;
  2. to gather funds for mission grants either directly sponsored or approved by LCMS boards or LCMS district presidents, especially those for which no adequate provision has been made in LCMS or LCMS district budgets;
  3. to foster and support the program of LWML; and
  4. to take charge of, hold, and manage all property, personal and real, that may at any time or in any manner come to or vest in this organization. (Note: This wording is important if the district has an endowment fund.)


Section 1

The district is composed of individual women and women’s LWML groups within congregations of the LCMS <LCMS district name> District, on campuses, in resident homes, or in other settings.

Section 2

The district is organized into zones which consist of individual women and women’s LWML groups from LCMS congregations in their geographical areas. Zones shall conform to LCMS circuit lines where possible.

Section 3

(In this section outline the district’s guidelines for zone bylaws.)

Section 4

(In this section delineate the district’s requirements for the zones.)


  1. A woman who is a communicant member of an LCMS congregation is eligible for membership as an individual or in a local group.
  2. Women’s organizations within congregations of the LCMS, on campuses, in resident homes, or in other settings shall be eligible for membership as LWML groups.
  3. One (1) or more LWML groups affiliated with the district from the same congregation, campus, resident home, or other single setting shall be considered one (1) unit for the purpose of representation at LWML conventions.
  4. LWML groups formed in a setting other than a congregation, a campus, or a resident home by women who hold membership in an LCMS congregation shall make application to the district for recognition as groups.
  5. Individual membership is available to a woman in an LCMS congregation with or without a group affiliated with LWML. Individual membership is not considered an LWML group or a unit, nor does it confer voting privileges at the district or LWML level.
  6. Request for recognition of membership shall be processed by the district <Insert name of district officer responsible for membership records> with approval of the district Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors.


Section 1

(In this section, delineate guidelines for district convention site selection, dates, and official call to convention.)

Section 2

(In this section, outline the makeup of the voting assembly and information about voting such as voting in only one capacity, proxy votes, etc.)

Section 3

(Outline how delegates are certified. Delegates should be certified by the ranking officer at the next highest level of the organization. For example: District Presidents certify zone delegates to the LWML convention, Zone Presidents certify local group delegates to district conventions.)

Section 4

A convention for the purpose of transacting the business of the LWML shall be held biennially in the odd-numbered years at a place determined in a prior convention. District representation shall be as follows:

  1. Districts may authorize one (1) certified delegate from each zone having ten (10) or fewer units and one (1) certified delegate for each additional ten (10) units or major fraction thereof as of January 1 preceding the convention.
  2. Delegates may vote in only one (1) capacity and proxy votes are prohibited.
  3. Each certified delegate shall have a certified alternate when possible.
  4. The District President shall send the names of the certified delegates and alternates to the LWML Recording Secretary by the requested date in odd-numbered years.
  5. In the event neither the delegate nor the alternate is able to serve, a member of the same zone may serve as delegate upon certification in writing by the District President and presentation to the LWML Recording Secretary.


Section 1

The elected officers shall be: (List all elected officers here and in the following sentence. The officers should be listed in this order: President, Vice Presidents in alphabetical order by position, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer; this order should be followed throughout the document.)

Section 2

(Describe terms of office, when officers assume their duties, which officers are elected in which conventions, and time limitations for transfer of records.)

Section 3

(Describe method of filling vacancies, especially a vacancy occurring in the office of President.)


(Outlines the responsibilities of each officer, giving each officer its own section as in the following example.)

Section 1

The President shall: (Outline the responsibilities of the District President.)

Section 2

The Vice President of <VP Title> may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President and shall: (Note: Please consult the LCMS Official Stylebook for the correct punctuation of “may” sentences followed by “and shall:” This style should be used to introduce each Vice President’s responsibilities in subsequent sections. Remember to list Vice Presidents in alphabetical order by position. After the sections on Vice Presidents, provide a section for each of the remaining officers in the order they are listed in Article VI.)


Section 1

(Outline the method of selecting the Nominating Committee. A Nominating Committee is independent of the President and Executive Committee and should not be appointed.)

Section 2

(Outline the responsibilities of the Nominating Committee.)

Section 3

(Insert information about nominations from the floor.)


Section 1

(List alphabetically the titles of all appointed officers in the opening sentence; then outline the characteristics and duties that are common to all appointed officers.)

Section 2

(In this and following sections, list alphabetically by position each appointed officer’s responsibilities.)


Section 1

(Special appointed personnel are persons whose office requires certain skills that are not common to the group as a whole, such as Archivist-Historian and Parliamentarian. This section should list the special appointed personnel in alphabetical order by position and describe the characteristics that are common to all of them.)

Section 2

(In this and subsequent sections, list the special appointed personnel in alphabetical order by position and describe each one’s responsibilities.)


Section 1

(Describe the makeup of the board and who has voting privileges and who does not. Also state whether or not substitutes are allowed to attend for absent board members and whether or not the substitutes have a vote.)

Section 2

(Insert information regarding meetings.)

Section 3

(Insert information about a quorum.)

Section 4

(Outline the responsibilities of the board.)


(Use the same outline as for the Board of Directors.)


Section 1

(Describe the requirements for pastoral counselors.)

Section 2

(Describe the selection procedure.)

Section 3

(Outline the responsibilities of the counselors.)


Section 1

(In Paragraph a, list names of standing committees in alphabetical order, ending with who serves as chairman with wording such as “with a Vice President serving as chairman of each committee.”)

(In paragraph b, list duties that are common to each committee member as in the following example.)

  1. Standing committee members shall:
  2. be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee;
  3. serve as coordinators of continuing programs and activities of the district and correlate to standing committees of the LWML;
  4. serve as non-voting members of the board;
  5. prepare a written report for regular meetings of the board;
  6. present an oral report to the board when requested to do so by the President;
  7. prepare a written report for the convention manual; and
  8. serve a term of two (2) years or until their successors are appointed, and shall be eligible for one (1) reappointment.

Section 2

(In this and following sections, with a separate section for each committee, list the responsibilities of each committee and coordinator as in the following example.)

The Christian Life Committee shall include the Vice President of Christian Life as chairman, the Christian Events Coordinator, and the Christian Materials Coordinator. The committee shall provide materials and opportunities that nurture members’ spiritual lives.

  1. The Christian Events Coordinator shall:
    1. work with Zone Presidents to prepare and present devotions at board meetings;
    2. serve as a resource person for zone and group Christian Life chairmen in planning Christian nurturing events; and
    3. maintain and publicize materials for local group activities, promoting use of the products found on the LWML website.
  2. The Christian Materials Coordinator shall:
    1. inform members of a variety of resources suitable for use by individual members and for use at women’s activities and events;
    2. maintain a table display of materials available from the LWML Store; and
    3. maintain the audio/visual library for the district and be responsible for its circulation.


Section 1

(In this section list alphabetically all special committees such as Convention, Endowment Gift Fund, Finance, etc.)

Section 2

(In this and following sections, list the makeup and responsibilities of each committee with a separate section for each committee.)


Section 1

[Designate the official publication for the district. If possible, this should be a publication (printed and/or available online) which the LWML district controls, not one published by the LCMS district. This is desirable for times when the district needs to have a special publication to inform members of important items of business such as bylaw amendments, special elections, etc.]

Section 2

(List the purpose of the official publication.)

Section 3

(Should include wording like the following.)

The <name of publication> shall be provided to all members of the Board of Directors and to all LWML groups within the district in the second and fourth quarters of the calendar year.


Section 1

(Outline who may submit mission grant proposals and guidelines for accepting the proposals, including dates. For example, you may want to set a “must be postmarked by (date) date or set a specific date for electronic submissions.)

Section 2

(Outlines the procedure for approving mission grants. Note that proposals for all mission grants, except those submitted by LCMS boards, shall have the approval of the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors of the LWML district in which they originate; and have the approval of the President of the LCMS district or partner church in which the proposed grant recipient is located.)

Section 3

(List any restrictions and method of handling changes in mission grants with wording like the following example.)

  1. Funds voted for a mission grant must be disbursed or put into use within a two (2) year period from the time of the vote or be returned to the treasury for reallocation. The Board shall have the authority to extend the time for two (2) additional years in case of extenuating circumstances.
  2. In the event that changes in mission grant plans occur after the recipients have been selected in convention, the Board shall be authorized to approve the amended grant or reallocate the funds either in session, by mail, or by electronic messaging.


Section 1

(Outline the procedure for members to bring resolutions to the floor of the convention.)

Section 2

(Outline the procedure for receiving resolutions not received in the proper time so that the district can be flexible in listening to the needs of its constituency.)


Section 1

(List the title of the officer to whom mites and other offerings are sent. Include wording about sending twenty-five (25) percent of mite offerings to the LWML.)

Section 2

(Outline the district’s other financial policies such as local group assessments, percentage of zone rally registrations to be remitted to district, etc.)

Section 3

(List any financial restrictions such as “No disbursements shall be made that necessitate a permanent subsidy from the treasury,” etc.)

Section 4

(Outline allowable expenses for district leaders and functions or include wording similar to the following example.)

Expenses of meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, committees and other routine administration expenses incurred in the management of the district shall be paid from the treasury of said district.

Section 5

(Include wording similar to the following example.)

The financial records shall be submitted for financial review at the end of each biennium.

(List the parameters of the fiscal year.)


Section 1

(List the method the district uses to determine whether or not a state of emergency exists that would prohibit the holding of a convention.)

Section 2

(Outline the procedure for conducting the business of the district in the event a convention cannot be held.)


(Parliamentary authority is one of the areas in which district bylaws must conform to LWML Bylaws.)

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the district in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, applicable law, or Christian principles.


Section 1

(Outline the procedure for amending the district bylaws.)

Section 2

(The following wording may be included in this section.)

  1. The required number of copies of these bylaws and all amendments or revisions shall be submitted to the LWML Structure Committee for review [at least three (3) months prior to the district convention] before being presented to the district membership for adoption.
  2. Upon adoption by the convention, the required number of copies shall be submitted to the LWML Structure Committee for filing.

Date district became a member of LWML <date>
Date of original bylaws <date>
Date of last amendments to bylaws <date>

View printable PDF of introduction: Bylaws — District Level

Download Sample LWML District Bylaws (Word doc) to use as a template.

District Relationship to Other Levels of LWML

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


The districts have a part in transacting the business of LWML through their zone delegates to LWML conventions (see LWML Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2-4). The District President is a member of the LWML Board of Directors that transacts the business of the LWML between conventions.

  • The Board of Directors meets annually and also immediately prior to the biennial LWML convention.
  • If the District President cannot attend an LWML board meeting or convention, an elected officer from the district may attend in her stead and have voice but not vote (see LWML Bylaws, Article X, Section 1b).
  • Notification of the substitute’s name and address shall be given to the LWML President.


View printable PDF of this article, District Relationship to Other Levels of LWML

Tax Exemption

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.

Tax Exemption

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is incorporated with the State of Missouri as a general not-for-profit corporation. A copy of the Articles of Incorporation is in the LWML Bylaws (Section E of the LWML Handbook). The LWML Office is not required to pay state sales taxes. In many cases, districts, zones, and societies may be exempt from sales taxes. State laws vary in this regard. United States federal tax exemption rulings are applicable only to societies organized and operating in the United States of America.

District Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)

The Internal Revenue Code requires that each subordinate unit of an exempt central organization must have its own Employer Identification Number (EIN) even if it has no employees. In accordance with this ruling, each LWML district has its own assigned number. This number is to be used by each district LWML and its zones for any and all bank and investment accounts or any reports they may be called upon to complete. It may also be used by local LWML groups within the district. Local LWML groups may, with permission, use their church’s identification number. No unit is ever to use the personal Social Security number of a member. Each LWML district’s EIN Number may be obtained from the LWML District President.

If needed, the LWML tax exemption number and the LWML Employer Identification Number are available from the LWML Treasurer. These numbers are also available in the secure portion of the LWML website to those with access. The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is exempt from federal income tax and, as an integrated auxiliary of The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod, is not required to file annual income tax returns. Districts, as subordinate units of the LWML, are also tax exempt. The group ruling letter from the IRS, dated 1965, is filed in the LWML Office. Each district should have a copy in its files; copies are also available from the LWML Office upon request. If any district LWML has further questions, please contact the LWML Treasurer for clarification.

View printable PDF of this article, LWML Tax Exemption

District Structure

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


LWML districts usually conform to LCMS district boundaries and are under the guidance of their LCMS district(s). Application for membership as a district is submitted to the LWML Board of Directors for approval and is subject to ratification by the LWML Presidents Assembly. Districts:

  • write their own bylaws, which must conform with LWML Bylaws regarding name, object, members, representation at LWML conventions, and parliamentary authority;
  • must submit bylaws and amendments to the LWML Structure Committee for approval before being presented to the district membership for adoption;
  • organize their member LWML groups into zones conforming to LCMS circuit lines whenever possible;
  • determine their own structure and method of transacting the business of the district, subject to the above restrictions; and
  • designate the membership of the executive committee and board of directors and determine the authority between conventions.


Districts determine the number of officers and terms of office. Generally officers are:

  • President;
  • Vice Presidents, two or more;
  • Secretary, one or more;
  • Financial officer, one or more, (who, with any other officers authorized to handle funds, are bonded); and
  • Pastoral Counselor, one or more, elected or appointed, who serve in an advisory capacity without privilege of vote.

Districts also determine:

  • Appointed officers (and whether or not they have the privilege of vote) such as:
    • Editor;
    • Meeting Manager;
    • Strategic Planner; and
    • Public Relations Director.
  • Special appointed personnel (and whether or not they have the privilege of vote) such as:
    • Archivist-Historian;
    • Assistant (Secretary) to the President; and
    • Parliamentarian.


The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to select candidates who will provide the best leadership for the group. Unless the bylaws specify differently, the Nominating Committee should make every effort to secure as many qualified candidates for each office as possible. This allows the voting delegates the opportunity to select their leadership for the next administration from a slate of capable individuals for each office, those who will serve the organization well.

Standing Committees

Standing committees should be appointed as outlined in the district bylaws, correlate to LWML departments, and be composed of:

  • a chairman who correlates to an LWML Vice President; and
  • two or more members who may be called coordinators (or directors) and may correlate to LWML committees.

Districts may give their committees the same names as the LWML departments or choose other titles. Suggested standing committees, their makeup, and purposes include:

  • Christian Life Committee – provides materials and opportunities that nurture members’ spiritual lives and is composed of:
    • Chairman, Vice President of Christian Life;
    • Christian Events Coordinator (Director), correlating to the LWML Christian Life Committee, who plans and organizes Christian nurturing events such as retreats and prayer services and aids zones and societies to do the same; and
    • Christian Materials Coordinator (Director), roughly correlating to the LWML Christian Resources Editors, who informs members of and maintains an inventory of a variety of resources suitable for use by individual members and for use at activities and events.
  • Communication Committee - (Some districts may choose not to have this committee and assign duties to a Public Relations Director and/or newsletter Editor). The committee promotes and publicizes programs and events of the district and is composed of:
    • Chairman, Vice President of Communication;
    • District newsletter Editor, correlating to the Official Publication Staff, who solicits and edits news articles for the district LWML publication; and
    • Website Coordinator (Director), performing one of the duties of the LWML Vice President of Communication and maintains the district website.
  • Gospel Outreach Committee – promotes mission awareness and support for mission opportunities, especially for LWML mission grants, and is composed of:
    • Chairman, Vice President of Gospel Outreach;
    • Gospel Outreach Coordinator (Director), correlating to the LWML Gospel Outreach Committee, who encourages and equips women to become personally involved in sharing the Gospel with all God’s children and coordinates participation by women of the district in Gospel outreach opportunities with existing mission programs sanctioned by the district and synod; and
    • Mission Awareness Coordinator (Director), correlating to the LWML Mission Grants Committee, who promotes mission awareness and support for district and LWML grants, and develops ideas for increasing Mite Box contributions and other offerings; and
    • Mission Servants Coordinator (Director), correlating to the LWML Gospel Outreach Committee, who encourages sensitivity in women toward those who are hurting and in need, provides resources and encouragement to enable knowledgeable and biblical comfort to themselves and others, is alert to crisis situations, enlists help from members to supply provisions for those with immediate survival needs, and coordinates LWML Gifts from the Heart.
  • Organizational Resources Committee – provides guidance to members of the district that enables them to develop their talents, helps them build viable societies and zones, assists with keeping the bylaws current, and is composed of:
    • Chairman, Vice President of Organizational Resources;
    • Growth and Development Coordinator, correlating to the LWML Growth and Development Committee, who provides resources, ideas, and techniques for encouraging more LCMS women to participate in the mission and ministry of the LWML; to develop new LWML groups; and to assist and encourage existing groups and individual women to personally reach out with God’s love to all women;
    • Leadership Development Coordinator, correlating to the LWML Leadership Development Committee, who identifies women with special abilities and talents to serve in leadership positions in LWML and provides ideas, techniques, and resources which will enrich and encourage gifted individuals to serve in leadership positions; and
    • Structure (Bylaws) Coordinator (Director), correlating to the LWML Structure Committee, who examines and evaluates the district bylaws, proposing amendments deemed necessary; and receives and examines zone bylaws and proposed amendments, approving those not in conflict with LWML district or national bylaws.
  • Special Focus Ministries Committee – provides support to young women and to women of all ethnicities, encouraging their participation in the district LWML and is composed of:
    • Chairman, Vice President of Special Focus Ministries;
    • Young Women’s Coordinator (Director), correlating to the LWML Committee on Young Women, who intentionally identifies, encourages, and provides opportunities for young women to affirm their faith and develop their gifts in service to the Lord through the LWML; she also promotes the Young Woman Representative (YWR) program at the LWML level; and
    • Heart-to-Heart (H2H) Coordinator (Director), correlating to the LWML Heart-to- Heart Committee, who identifies, develops, supports, and encourages women leaders in ethnic ministries; she also identifies and coordinates cross-cultural opportunities within the district LWML, thus emphasizing the church’s rich diversity.

View printable PDF of this article, District Structure


LWML Resources